Complete guide for <Closure>, as of version 0.01.
Markus' Forms
Bear Paws
Interact with the top-left orb. Go left then go down and interact with the ladder. Press Z to skip the cutscene. Go north and sit on the throne.
Interact with the top-right orb. Go up once then left once. Interact with the green sign then go right to the next area. Follow the path as it goes right and then up. Go north until you reach a yellow field. Go north again and interact with the masked figure at the top.
Interact with the bottom-left orb. Go left and enter the house with a smiley-face door. Interact with the object on the floor. Keep pressing Z to progress through the scene. After the cutscene ends you'll get the effect.
Interact with the bottom-right orb. Go north-east and interact with the small moving blue block.