Complete guide for Demencia: (Re)bound & Unbound.
Yvonette's Objects
Umbrella (Sombrilla)
Let yourself be carried by strong winds
Appearance: Yvonette floats off the ground, holding an umbrella in her left hand.
Passive Effect: Yvonette's movement speed increases.
Action: None.
Practical Uses: Allows Yvonette to navigate the dream world faster.
Interact with the blue painting immediately to the right of the bedroom door. Once you're on the other side, go south-east from the painting and look for a patch of water shaped like an upside-down U. Interact with the umbrella by this patch.
Flower (Flor)
Press shift to return to what's no longer there
Appearance: Yvonette has a yellow and orange flower for a head.
Passive Effect: None.
Action: (Shift) Flowers briefly wrap around Yvonette's body before she is warped to the Nexus.
Practical Uses: Allows Yvonette to quickly return to the Nexus.
Interact with the fourth to the left of the bedroom door. In the world of scribbly trees and flowers, go behind the painting and take a couple of steps upwards. Now go right until you find a tall orange and yellow flower standing between two pink trees. Interact with the flower to obtain the Object.
Moonlight (Luz de luna)
Able to illuminate the darkest of paths
Appearance: Yvonette's dress and hat turn light yellow. A crescent moon sits on Yvonette's hat.
Passive Effect: None.
Action: None.
Practical Uses: Lights up dark areas.
Interact with the fourth painting to the right of the bedroom door. In the lamp area, go north-east and interact with the moon-shaped lamp surrounded by hanging stars.
Scissors (Tijeras)
Tie cutting aid
Appearance: Yvonette has a pair of scissor blades for a head.
Passive Effect: None.
Action: None.
Practical Uses: None.
Interact with the third painting to the left of the bedroom door. In the hanging papercraft world, go north-east and look for a giant pair of scissors standing in the ground. Interact with these scissors to get the Object.