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Complete guide for Dreamgame.
On the first screen, go up and step over the gray crescent moon to your right. Go into the red house on the second screen. After a cutscene you'll be in an outdoors area with a house and moon nearby. Going into the house changes the protagonist's appearance; other than that there's not much of note in the house.
Step back outside and walk over to the crescent moon. Stepping over the moon will take you to another outdoor area with a starry sky. Go up again and step over the crescent moon. You should now be at a darker outdoor area with a red house nearby. Enter the house and go down the stairs inside the room. At the bottom of the stairs is a narrow hall with a NPC at the bottom. Go left until the protagonist disappears.
You should now standing in a black void with a blue spinning spiral in the background. Wait until a brown cat starts walking by and collide with it to reach the ending screen.