Complete guide for Everlong Swansong.
Ana's Effects
Become so small you’re unnoticeable.
Appearance: Ana shrinks and becomes tiny.
Passive Effect: Allows Ana to fit through small spaces.
Action: None.
Practical Uses: Allows Ana to reach certain areas.
Interact with the tree stump in the Nexus. Go north-west from the stump and walk between two lit flowers. In the desert area, go north-east and step over the hole in the ground. You should now be in a dark room area. Go south-east from the ladder and interact with the flesh worm moving around on the ground.
Causes it to rain. It reminds you of happier times
Appearance: Ana wears a yellow raincoat.
Passive Effect: Rain falls while this effect is equipped.
Action: None.
Practical Uses: None.
Interact with the mini waterfall in the Nexus. Go left until you hit a wall, then go down and follow the wall around the corner. Keep going left then walk up between the tall mossy pillars. You should see a yellow raincoat in the water to your right. Interact with this raincoat to get the effect.
Returns you to the Nexus. Your heart reaches out.
Appearance: Ana's face becomes hollow.
Passive Effect: None.
Action: (1) Ana is warped to the Nexus.
Practical Uses: Allows you to quickly return to the Nexus.
Interact with the tree stump in the Nexus. Go north-west from the stump and walk between two lit flowers. In the desert area, go south-west and look for a white worm creature sticking up from the ground surrounded by six tiny holes. Interact with this creature to get the effect.
Petal Hills
- The Shrink effect is required.
Interact with the tree stump in the Nexus. Go north-west from the stump and look for another stump with a hole in the front. Equip the Shrink effect then interact with the hole. You'll arrive at a hilltop area where you can watch petals fly across the screen.