Complete guide for Miserere, as of version 1.02x.
The original walkthrough can be downloaded here: it was written by Owl.
Part A
Go to sleep. Enter the left tower. Go to the bottom left corner of the map, (the part with a large brain and two walking eyeballs) enter between the statues. Go to the bottom of the map and touch the glowing part of the wall.
- Puzzle 1:
Push down, left, left, up, up, right, down, down, right, up, right, right, right.
Take the Crystal Skull and go back through the door. Go over two gray bridges to the right and then down. Open the hand. Go to the west and open the other hand (gives you Scroll). Now try to make it as far to the right and bottom of the map as possible. There should be a large container filled with green water here. Climb the ladder. This takes you to a rusty ship.
Go to the left until you come to a set of stairs, go down. Go to the right until you see another set of stairs going down. Take the bottle on the table and go down. Go right until you see a creature in green water. Fill up the bottle and go left again. Go past the stairs and keep going left. There should be a pair of Doll Arms hanging on the wall. Go through the ship again and exit it thorugh the ladder.
Try to get back to the start of the map again (where you came from the tower at the start). From there go over three bridges to the right, then go down over 1 bridge and right again. There should be a small building here. Enter, say hello to the green gnome and go down through the mouth of the creature to the left. Go through the corridor and you should be in a area with stone floor. Take the right exit and take the green container with Unknown Liquid. Back to the left and use the liquid on the brown stone. Down through the hole and take a look at the insect colony. Back up and take the teleporter to the left (blue thingy).
You are now at the top of a snowy mountain. Keep going right until you see a cave. Enter it. Again, go right until you're at the bottom of the cave together with the master of the cave. Don't talk to him until you have taken the Icicle unless you want to go all the way back. Wake up or talk to the creature, either works. Back to sleep again.
Enter the right tower in the nexus. Go to the left until you see a fat creature with a top hat. Give it the Crystal Skull. Now make it to the bottom right of the area. There is a metal frame here between two eyes on the wall. Use the Key you just got. Touch the metal frame, and you should be in a new area. It's a straight path from here so keep going until you are in a room with four dolls. Take the doll head from the one at the top right. The door is now gone. Go stand on the floor which looks different fromt the rest, to the left. This should get things happening.
- Note: If you get hit by any creatures in the next part and wake up, don't worry. You are not missing any items.
Quickly go through the door, which is now there again. Try to get back to the exit with the metal frame. Everything is back to normal again. If you got hit by a creature, just go back to sleep. If not, wake up and go back to sleep. Go through the top tower in the nexus. Try to make it to the bottom right of the map, where a red creature will take you to another area. Jump over the roots to the left and use the Icicle to get a Red Fruit. Exit the area.
Next go right a bit and then try to get to the top right of the map, from there go a bit left and there should be a door standing up on the ground. Enter it and you're taken to a area with worms coming up from the ground. These worms will teleport you when you interact with them.
- Puzzle 2:
The goal here is to take the correct teleport to a hole in the wall, where you will find a Iron Key. The fastest route is: Right worm, Left Worm, Right Worm, Left Worm.
Take the key and the worm here will take you back to the entrance.
Wake up and go back to the nexus. Take the left tower again. Next try to make it to the Top right of the map, this is a bit tricky. First go right until you get to the gnomes house again. Then go down over one bridge and directly to the right. From here its a straight path up until you come to a place with a hole in the middle and a black small building to the left of it. This will take you to the outside of a hotel.
Use the Iron Key to get inside. Take the Black Box from the figure inside. Next take the elevator up. After exiting the elevator take the stairs to get to the top of the building. Take the bridge to the building next door and open the lockers that stand here until you find the Doll Torso.
- Note: Just as before, you won't miss any items if you get hit by a creature here and wake up.
Go back down the stairs and try to make it outside the building without getting hurt.
Next, wake up and go back to sleep (or just go back to sleep if you got hit). Go through the bottom nexus tower. Try to get to the top left of the map, where two teleports stand a bit apart. Each will teleport you to a new area. For now, take the bottom one (the one that looks like a pole with a green orb on top). This should take you to a new area littered with transparent cubes. Go right until you come to a new building.
Go past all the statues with heads, talk to King Kud on the way and give him the Black Box. Keep going until you come to a area with a exit to the north. Go a bit past this exit and use the Red Fruit on the hole in a statue without a head. This should open a entrance in it. Go inside, take a look and go outside again. Now take that exit to the north.
This leads to a bigger area with a big statue in the middle. There are exits to the top left and top right. Take the top left exit. Go right in the new area until you see a blue floating orb. When you get close enough a teleport to and from the nexus opens automatically. Talk to the orb, which will teleport you to a new area.
- Puzzle 3:
Here you see a set of stones. The objective is to push them so that you can get past and take the Forcefield Disruptor. If you make a mistake, just wake up and take the teleport back, which is the bottom right at the nexus. First push the top right one down three times. Go directly left and push the stone there to the left. Next push the reddish stone down. Push the bluish stone out of the way (preferably to the right). Push the green stone down three times, then right once. Push the bluish stone up, and push the stone directly to your right to the right until you can go down.
Take the Forcefield Disruptor on the pedestal. Go back to the area with the large statue in the middle. Take the top right entrance. Straight path until you come to a area with a cross. Open portal to Nexus below the cross (which will be at the top right of the nexus area). Use the Forcefield Disruptor on the forcefield blocking the path.
Next is a area where you have to evade hands on the wall and heads which if they hit you, will wake you up. On the bottom of this area, next to the place you start, is a cross. Take it. Next try to make your way to the top right exit. In the next area there is a ladder going up, go to the end of it. After climbing the ladder go to the left until you find a pair of Doll Legs sticking out of the ground. Take them and wake up.
Next backtrack to the hole where you put the Red Fruit (Nexus > bottom right teleport > to the big statue > bottom exit). Now go right, and up the stairs. Next you come to a area with red carpets. Take the exit at the top right of the map here. Keep going right until you come to a big frog. Use the cross on the indentation to stop the frog from spewing gas.
Go back to the left and make sure the creature there changed. Wake up. Go to the left from your bedroom and take a look at the creature, now in the space station to the left. Talk to it and it will open a entrance to the left. Explore the room there and if you wish, pray. Go back to sleep.
Now go to the bottom nexus tower. From there, go to the top left again, but this time take the other teleport (the one on the top). Read the book if you wish, next talk to the old lady. Give her all your doll parts and speak to her again, she will now disappear and you can keep going left. Go down the stairs and in the next area keep going until you see a hole. Examine it and a cutscene will start. After the cutscene you will wake up.
Part B
Exit the bedroom and go to the bed in the machine room. You can now sleep there. This will take you to a new area with 2 doors. Take nr. 1. Keep going until you get outside, go north until you see a person in red garments. Cutscene. Enter the building to the north. Take the map on the wall here. Use the map from the inventory and go to the area right next to the womens and mens toilet.
Take the bottom right entrance. Read the note on the computer by sitting down on the chair next to it. Exit the room and go to the door directly to the left. Read the note on the table here. Next, go the room below this room on the map. Look at the posters and remember the clues. Go to the room directly to the right of this one. Look at the rest of the posters here.
Go back to the room with the note on the table.
- Puzzle
The goal here is to input the correct combination of pictures to open the safe. There are 4 pictures, and if you input the incorrect 4 pictures, you have to start over. If you read the clues on the computer and on the table, and looked on the posters, you should be able to solve it. If you're lazy, here's the correct order: Bottom right, Top right, Bottom mid, Bottom left (the Brain eaters is nr. 1, Invasion of the saucer-men is nr. 2, Voodoo Woman nr. 3, Blood of Dracula is nr. 4).
Take the Sealed Liquid from the open safe. Next go to the bottom right room of the map. Take the door to the north. Check out the hole here, and a cutscene starts. After the cutscene there is a key on the floor to the south. Go back to the entrance corridor and go the the west part of it. There is a suitcase on the ground there now. Check it out and it will open. Go take a look inside.
Next wake up. Now go back to the bed in the living quarters and sleep. Take the north nexus tower. Go the the west and a bit down until you see a blue orb. Interact with it and it will teleport you to a new dark area. Go west until you see a building. Enter and go south until you get to a new area. Go right one area and enter the room in the middle of the corridor. Pour the Glowing Bottle of Water and the Sealed Liquid into the cauldron. Cutscene. After the cutscene, wake up. Good idea to save now.
Go back to the bed in the machine room and go to sleep here. Enter door 2 with the help of the Fake Golden Key. Keep going on the path down to the sewers. Go right until you come to a path where you can go in 2 directions. Go right and enther the hole i the wall here. Read the fake newspaper article, the flier and the poster with Carrie on it. Next take the key. Exit and take the path that leads north. Use the key on the padlock. and keep going until you see Carrie. Speak to her and after a short cutscene a battle starts.
Boss Battle
Carrie transformed into a huge worm-like creature that periodically comes out of the holes in the sewer wall to eat you up. The trick to damaging Carrie is in the creatures to the left and to the right. You have to time it so that they fling their tongue out when Carrie is out of the hole.
To get the timing right, try to do it when just before she comes out, her eyes "glint". Just make sure you get out of the way before she comes out. After hitting Carrie 5 times, she will start screaming and die. The path to the right is clear now.