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Yume Nikki Fangames Wiki

Complete effects guide for my favorite (Version 0.06).


The Nexus

There have 4 shining stars that lead you to different worlds in the Nexus when you start the game. You can also enter a Hints Room by interacting with the panda NPC at the bottom of the Nexus.

The Blue Sky World has a 50/50 chance of having a dreary gray background and different NPCs when you enter. To switch back to the Blue Sky version, simply warp back to the Nexus then re-enter.

Effects Guide

"◆◆(effect name)◆◆" indicates which item is an equipable effect. Each area containing an effect has a blonde chaser NPC who will send you away if caught.

Small Bird (ことり)


Appearance: Kanariya becomes a small yellow bird.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: (Shift) Kanariya spins around and jumps on the spot.

Practical Uses: None.


Interact with the sparkle at the right side of the Nexus. In the Forest World, go north-west from the sparkle and interact with the puddle of blood under a tree. Walk up the bloody path to reach Cat World. From there go south-east from the blood puddle and interact with the sparkling gray object to get the effect.

Dress (ドレス)


Appearance: Kanariya wears a red dress.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: (Shift) Kanariya bows.

Practical Uses: None.

Interact with the sparkle at the top of the Nexus. In the Ribbon World, go north-west from the sparkle to a gigantic pink bow. Walk up between the tails of the bow then walk up through the white flower path to reach Dark Ribbon World. Go north-west once more and look for a puddle of blood. Interact with the sparkle.

Pendant (ペンダント)


Appearance: Kanariya wears a gold and red pendant around her neck.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: (Shift) Kanariya raises the pendant, which makes the screen flash rapidly for a second.

Practical Uses: None.

Interact with the sparkle at the left side of the Nexus. In the Diamond World, head north of the sparkle. If you stick close to the left wall, you should see a crack on the ground to your left. Stand on this crack and you’ll fall into Gray Diamond World. From here go north-east to a pile of tiny gray stones. Interact with the sparkle.

Picture Book (絵本)


Appearance: Kanariya rides on a floating orange book.

Passive Effect: Kanariya's movement speed increases.

Action: (Shift) Kanariya's speed is dramatically increased.

Practical Uses: Allows you to travel around faster.

Interact with the sparkle to the bottom-left of the Nexus. In the Blue Sky World, go right until you see a rainbow at the bottom of your screen. Walk up between the clouds on the rainbow then interact with the star. In the Night Sky World, go north-east and look for a torn up book on the ground that sparkles. Interact with the sparkle.

Yurishia (ゆりしあ)


Appearance: Kanariya becomes her blue-haired friend.

Passive Effect: Getting caught by a chaser while this effect is equipped results in an immediate game over.

Action: (Shift) Kanariya strikes a pose and flicks her hair.

Practical Uses: None.

Once all four effects have been obtained, a new sparkle will appear at the bottom-right of the Nexus. Interact with this sparkle to reach the Hallway. Go right down to the end of the Hallway where two doors are. Enter the door on the left then keep going through the door across from you until you arrive at a staircase.

Interact with the top of these stairs, then go through the door at the bottom of the large gray stairway. Go south in the dark area and interact with the blonde chaser NPC. A bunch of active chasers will appear; go north-west, avoiding the chasers, and interact with the sparkle. Follow the bloody path and interact with the dead body on the ground to get the effect.

Items Guide

Some of these items are required for certain endings.

Photo of Memories (思い出の写真)

Enter the ribbon world. Go south from the sparkle and interact with the photo on the ground. The photo can be examined in the menu.

Unfinished Letter (書きかけの手紙)


Enter Blue Sky World. Go north-west from the sparkle and interact with the envelope on the ground. In the Letter World, go north-west and interact with the crumpled letter on the ground.

Unaddressed Love Letter (宛名のないラブレター)

Enter Blue Sky World. Go north-west from the sparkle and interact with the envelope on the ground. In the Letter World, go north-west and interact with the envelope sealed with a small pink heart.

Yellow Flower (黄色の花)

Enter the Forest World. Go south-west and interact with the swaying yellow flower.

Pink Flower (ピンクの花)

Enter the Forest World. Go north-west and interact with the puddle of blood. Walk straight up the Blood Path to Cat World. Go north-east and interact with the pink flower under a tree.

Orange Flower (オレンジの花)

Enter the Forest World. Go north-west and interact with the puddle of blood. On the Blood Path, go right and interact with the orange flower.

Four-leaf Clover (四葉のクローバー)

Collect the Yellow, Pink and Orange Flower, then return to Forest World. The clover can be north-west of the blood puddle among some still flowers.

Sleeping Pills (睡眠薬)

Enter Diamond World. Take the path going east immediately to your right and interact with the pink heart. In Diamond World B, take the right path then go north past the rectangular ruby. Interact with the pill bottle on the ground next to the NPC.

Small Key (小さな鍵)

(The Hallway must be unlocked first.)

Enter the Hallway. Make your way to the last hall then enter the door on the right. Interact with the opened box at the top-left corner of the room.

Doll (人形)

(The Hallway must be unlocked first.)

Obtain the Small Key, then go back to the first hallway with a door in the middle. Interact with the door and it should unlock. Interact with the happy Kanariya doll at the center of the room.

Packing Tape (ガムテープ)

(The Hallway must be unlocked first.)

Enter the Hallway. Make your way to the last hall then enter the door on the right. Interact with the box that has a pair of scissors next to it, near the top-right corner.

Stone of Mars (火星の石)

Enter Diamond World. Head north and stick close to the left wall. As you go up you should see a crack in the floor to your left. Step onto the crack and you'll fall into a new area. From where you arrive in this area, go north-west to a pile on tiny gray stones. Interact with the tiny red stone.

Stone of Mercury (水星の石)

Enter Diamond World. Go north and stay close to the left hand wall until you see crack on ground to your left. Go right then north past a dark blue diamond. Walk along the narrow path to your right then interact with the tiny blue stone.

Stone of Jupiter (木星の石)

Enter Diamond World. Take the path going east immediately to your right and interact with the pink heart diamond. In Diamond World B, go south then take the blue path going right. Interact with the tiny green stone on the ground.

Stone of Venus (金星の石)

Enter Diamond World. Take the path going east immediately to your right until you reach the pink heart diamond. To the right of this heart is a dead-end with a tiny yellow stone on the ground. Interact with the stone.


MOGU Minigame

(Ending 7 must be unlocked first.)

To play MOGU you must return to the Diglett Cave. From the first room go south then right, interact with the NPC in front of the entryway and select the first text option.

In MOGU, the goal is to dig up as many NPCs with a single strand of hair while avoiding the chaser. Digging up a NPC with two gray buns on its head ends the match.

Endings Guide

Each time you achieve an ending the system will ask to leave the game. Selecting "NO" (second option) will take you to the Omake Room that shows what endings, BGM and other goods you have obtained. You can continue the game by talking with the panda NPC and selecting the first option.

ED1 My Favorite (私のお気に入り)

In the room where the Yurishia effect is obtained, go north past the corpse and interact with the NPC.

ED2 Cold Reality (冷たい現実)

In the room where the Yurishia effect is obtained, go north past the corpse and interact with the ice pick next to the NPC. When the cutscene ends, interact with the body in the bedroom.

ED3 Friends Forever (ずっと友達)

In the room where the Yurishia effect is obtained, go north past the corpse and interact with the ice pick next to the NPC. When the cutscene ends, interact with the bed instead of the body.

ED4 Sorry (ごめんね)

When you obtain all five effects, a shining star will appear in the cage where you start. Interact with the star.and you'll be sent to a bedroom. Exit the room then go right and enter the door. Interact with the blonde NPC standing in front of the table.

ED5 Beyond (the) Cosmos (宇宙 (そら) の彼方へ)

(The Stones of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus must be obtained. The route to this ending contains flashing images.)

Enter Diamond World. Take the south path then go right past the rectangular blue gem. Interact with the light to reach the Space Ship. Each hall in the Space Ship has a door with a yellow light above it; you must find each of these rooms and interact with the statue in the middle of them. This will unlock the next hall (signified by a green light above the door). The final hallway contains three doors with the yellow door in the middle. When you activate all of the statues, enter the door on the right of the final hall, and go north to the aliens to see the ending.

ED6 Big Explosion (大爆発)

(The Stones of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus must be obtained. The route to this ending contains flashing images.)

Enter Diamond World. Take the south path then go right past the rectangular blue gem. Interact with the light to reach the Space Ship. Each hall in the Space Ship has a door with a yellow light above it; you must find each of these rooms and interact with the statue in the middle of them. This will unlock the next hall (signified by a green light above the door). The final hallway contains three doors with the yellow door in the middle. When you activate all of the statues, return to the first hallway; the leftmost door should be unlocked. Enter the room and interact with the control panel until a cutscene plays.

ED7 Share the Happiness (幸せのおすそわけ)

When you obtain the Four-leaf Clover in Forest World, a hole appears in the spot where the clover was. Jump into the hole to reach Diglett Cave. Exit the first room then go down, left and up. You should arrive at a cave with a giant sleeping queen. Interact with the smaller NPC to see the ending.

ED8 Notebook Scribble (ノートのらくがき)

Enter Blue Sky Wold. Go north-west and block the speedy stick figure running downwards. Interact with the stick figure to reach the Sketch World. Go west from the sun until you see a light blue teru teru bōzu. Walk over this sketch until you turn into a teru teru bōzu yourself. Go north from the teru teru bōzu to an orange cat sketch. Walk over this sketch until you turn into a cat.

Go north from the cat sketch and walk onto the black smiling face sketch. You should now be in the Dark Sketch World. Go south and walk over the ghost sketch until you transform into a ghost. Return to Sketch World and step onto the bottom-left corner. Go left and interact with the heart.

ED9 Warm Sleep (あたたかい眠り)

Enter Forest World. Go north-west and interact with the autumn leaves in front of some swaying grass. In the Autumn World, go south-west and look for a snow rabbit sticking out of a bush. Interact with the rabbit to reach Winter World. North-west of the rabbit is an igloo with a sleeping girl inside. The girl will ask for three items: a tissue box, a wastepaper basket, and a bowl of oranges, all of which must be obtained one after the other.

The tissue box can be found in an igloo to the left of the sleeping girl's igloo. The wastepaper basket can be found in an igloo south from where you obtain the tissue box. Finally, the oranges can be found in front of a snowman located north of the sleeping girl's igloo. Once you've obtained the oranges, give them to the girl then interact with the kotatsu to see the ending.