Complete guide for Nigella.
Shovel / (シャベル)
Enter the Mining World. Go north-west and interact with the shovel in the rock.
Raincoat / (雨合羽)
Enter the Red Maze. Go straight down and follow the path until you reach a moving eye on the wall. Interact with the eye to teleport to a room with a coat on the floor. Interact with the coat to get the effect.
Spear / (槍)
Enter the Mining World. Go down until you reach a fence. Go left and enter the cave. Go right to the Ocean Floor. Go south-east and interact with the spear amoung some seaweed.
Hair / (髪の毛)
Enter the Red Maze. Go north-east and interact with a wall with a smiley face on it. Go left and down a square nook. Interact with the picture on the wall. Interact with the scissors.
Headless (首なし)
Enter the RGB World. Go left and enter the green building. Go north-east and enter a brownish arch. Go down and find/interact with a headless spirit version of yourself.
Float / (浮かぶ)
Enter the RGB World. Go left and enter the green building. Go north-west and interact with the white winged figure.