Nyasuki is the protagonist of Yume Nyaki and the younger brother of Kinoko. Although he can leave his room, he can't exit the house for currently unknown reasons.
Nyasuki has green eyes, brown hair, a green shirt with a angel type design on it, blue pants and brown socks (However in the equipment screen it only shows the green shirt, the description says "A cute shirt your mom made").
Not much is known about Nyasuki's personality.
Not much is known about Nyasuki's past.
Other Game Appearances and References
Name | Image | Description |
Journal Nikki | Nyasuki makes a cameo as a minor NPC in Journal Nikki once a event is triggered. | |
Manda no Yume | One of the Unlockable Hairstyles is based off Nyasuki's hair. |
- Nyasuki's name doesn't have a T as most other Dreamers have, this was a spelling mistake that has stayed for unknown reasons.