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Silent Infinity/guide

Game Walkthrough Gallery Theories

Complete guide for Silent Infinity, as of version 1.03.

Umitsuki's Effects


Wield a Harpoon spear


Appearance: Umitsuki holds a harpoon.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: (Z) When interacting with NPCs, Umitsuki may attack them.

Location: Found on the Red Beach.

Practical Uses: Can be used to kill NPCs and gain access to new areas/events.

Enter the red door to Red Beach. Go north-west from the door and interact with the spear on the ground.


Put on Sneakers


Appearance: Umitsuki wears purple sneakers.

Passive Effect: Umitsuki's walking speed increases.

Action: (1) Umitsuki jumps on the spot.

Location: Found in Lilypad Lake.

Practical Uses: Can be used to travel through the dream world faster and out-speed chasers.

Enter the green door to Lilypad Lake. Find and interact with the sneakers placed at a dead-end path.


Become Digital


Appearance: Umitsuki becomes a digital outline of herself.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: (1) Umitsuki gets warped to the Nexus.

Location: Found in the Teleport Maze.

Practical Uses: Used to quickly return to the Nexus.

The Harpoon effect is required.

Enter the purple door to Bone World. Go south-west and look for tall NPC standing in front of a small skull. Use the Harpoon to kill the NPC then interact with the skull. Go down and step on the portal. In the Teleport Maze, step on bottom-right circle on the first platform. On the second platform step on the circle closest to Umitsuki's right. Step on the bottom left circle on the third platform then step on the bottom right circle on the fourth. Finally, step on the red circle and interact with the face.


Equip Headphones


Appearance: Umitsuki wears headphones.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: (1) A few beats play from the headphones.

Location: Found in the Sanctuary.

Practical Uses: None.

Enter the white door to the Frozen Islands. Go up a few steps then go right and enter the triangle house. Interact with the flashing star inside to reach Compass Hub. In Compass Hub, go south to the Whale Path. Cross the Whale Path to reach the Sanctuary. Slide your way to the top and enter the doorway on the other side. Interact with the skull in the room.


Wear a Camo suit


Appearance: Umitsuki is dressed in camouflage.

Passive Effect: When transparent, chasers will not be able to detect Umitsuki (but they can still catch her if she interacts with them).

Action: (1) Umitsuki becomes transparent.

Location: Found in the Frozen Islands.

Practical Uses: Can be used to avoid chasers.

Enter the white door to the Frozen Islands. Go south-west and interact with the blinking camouflage rock.


Transform into a Bunny


Appearance: Umitsuki has white rabbit ears and tail.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: (1) Umitsuki transforms into a rabbit, allowing her to fit through small spaces.

Location: Found in the Night Club.

Practical Uses: Used to access areas that are otherwise unreachable.

Enter the green door to the Lilypad Lake. Go east, find and interact with the metallic object. In the catwalk, go up, then right, up again, then left and interact with the brown NPC. Walk across the path to reach Bottle World. Find and go up the stairway. Go right and enter the Night Club. Go up and enter the door at the right-hand corner. Interact with the bunny ears hanging on the coat rack in the room.

Night Vision

Equip Night Vision goggles


Appearance: Umitsuki wears night vision goggles.

Passive Effect: When on, dark areas are lit up.

Action: (1) The goggles switch on/off.

Location: Found in the Cruise Ship.

Practical Uses: Makes navigating dark areas easier.

Enter the purple door to Bone World. Go north and enter the tan and white door. In the Cruise Ship, go right and head up the stairs to the second floor. Go left and enter the first door you see. Interact with the NPC in the room.


Turn into a Beacon


Appearance: Umitsuki has a beacon for a head.

Passive Effect: Umitsuki cannot pinch herself to wake up while this effect's equipped. When the beacon is off, most NPCs will stop moving.

Action: (1) The beacon switches on/off.

Location: Found in The Lighthouse.

Practical Uses: Can be used to avoid chasers.

Enter the red door to the Red Beach. Go north-west and enter the hut. Interact with the manhole cover inside. Interact with machine under the stairs so that the light on the wall turns green then exit. In the sauna, head east and interact with the blue sparkle. In the Fishnet Maze, go north/north-east and find/interact with the red sparkle (avoid the chasers). In the new area, go left and enter the Lighthouse. Once at the top, interact with the NPC on the left.


Morph into a Seashell


Appearance: Umitsuki has a seashell for a head.

Passive Effect: Umitsuki cannot pinch herself to wake up while this effect's equipped.

Action: None

Location: Found in Coral World.

Practical Uses: None.

Enter the multicolored door to Coral World. Go south-east and enter the domed coral house. Once inside, Go left then interact with the hermit crab on the bottom right path.


Wear a Longcoat


Appearance: Umitsuki wears a brown coat.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: None.

Location: Found in Bottle World.

Practical Uses: Can be used to activate events.

Enter the green door to the Lilypad Lake. Go east, find and interact with the metallic object. In the catwalk, go up, then right, up again, then left and interact with the brown NPC. Walk across the path to reach Bottle World. Find and interact with the tall shadowy figure to get the effect.

Diving Suit

Don a Diving Suit


Appearance: Umitsuki wears a diving suit.

Passive Effect: Umitsuki cannot pinch herself awake while this effect's equipped.

Action: (1) Some bubbles blow out.

Location: Found in The Trench.

Practical Uses: None.

Enter the red door to the Red Beach. Go north-west and enter the hut. Interact with manhole cover inside the hut. Interact with the machine under the stairs so that the light turns blue then exit the submarine. In the Rainy Docks, go right then when you reach the point where the path branches out, go onto the path immediately below you and head left. Look for a gray obelisk at a dead-end and interact with it to reach the Barren Cliff.

At the Barren Cliff, make your way down to the bottom. You should arrive at a body of water with a pier. Walk onto the pier and jump off the end. In The Trench, go north-east and look for a giant red fish. Enter the fish's mouth and interact with the diver's body inside.

Hair Dye

Dye your hair


Appearance: Umitsuki has dyed pink hair.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: None.

Location: Found in the Magic Forest.

Practical Uses: None.

Enter the white door to the Frozen Islands. Go up a few steps then go right and enter the triangle house. Interact with flashing star inside the house. In the Compass Hub, go left to the Magic Forest. Go south-east and interact with the long-haired NPC walking around.

Images (Wallpapers)

On Umitsuki's computer, there are wallpapers that can be unlocked as the player progresses through the game. To unlock Ending 2, the player must unlock at least twenty-five wallpapers on top of the first two that are available from the beginning.

Image 03

Obtain the Bunny effect.

Image 04

Complete the Deep Treasure minigame that's on Umitsuki's computer.

Image 05

Obtain the Harpoon effect.

Image 06

Enter the Rainy Docks area. The fastest way to get there is either through the Submarine (accessible from inside the hut in Red Beach) or the obelisk in the Catwalk (accessible from Lilypad Lake).

Image 07

Get five effects.

Image 08

Enter the Catwalk area. This area is accessible through Lilypad Lake, by going east of the door and interacting with the metallic object.

Image 09

Enter the white door to the Frozen Islands. Go up a few steps then go right and enter the triangle house. Interact with the flashing star inside. In Compass Hub, go left to the Magic Forest. Go north-east from where you arrive and interact with the blue heart pedestal. Go right and interact with the NPC at the end of the path.

Image 10

Obtain the Hair Dye effect.

Image 11

Enter the white door to the Frozen Islands. Go up a few steps then go right and enter the triangle house. Interact with the flashing star inside. In Compass Hub, go right to the Spring Woods. Go down until you hit a tree then go left and interact with the blue heart pedestal. An event will play out and Umitsuki will be sent to an inescapable area.

Image 12

The Harpoon effect is required.

Enter the blue door to the Rainy City. Go right until you see a tall NPC in a trench coat. Use the Harpoon on the NPC to trigger a cutscene. You'll unlock the wallpaper after this event plays out.

Image 13

Obtain the Night Vision effect.

Image 14

Enter the purple door to Bone World. Go north and enter the tan and white door. In the Cruise Ship, go right and up the stairs to the second floor. Go left to the other side of the hall and head outside to the deck to unlock the wallpaper.

Image 15

Enter the red door to Red Beach. Go north-west and enter the hut. interact with manhole cover inside. Interact with the machine under the stairs so the light on the wall turns green then exit. In the sauna, head east and interact with the blue sparkle. Go north/north-east in the maze and find/interact with the red sparkle (avoid the chasers). Go left and enter The Lighthouse. Interact with flame at the top to change the scenery. Go back down through the hole. Go left and interact with sparkle. Go left again and press interact at the edge of the plank. A cutscene will play and you'll unlock the wallpaper afterwards.

Image 16

Enter the purple door to Bone World. Go north and enter the tan and white door. In the Cruise Ship, enter the second door to your right. You should arrive in a room with a winged, one-eyed NPC. Interact with the NPC to unlock the wallpaper.

Image 17

Enter Smile World. To get there, enter the white door to the Frozen Islands. Go up a few steps then go right and enter the triangle house. Interact with the flashing star inside. In Compass Hub, go left to the Magic Forest. Go south-east and interact with the red NPC.

Image 18

Obtain the Headphones effect.

Image 19

The Bunny effect is required.

Enter the white door to the Frozen Islands. Equip the Bunny effect, transform yourself into a rabbit, and enter the hole on the side of the red building near the world's entrance. You'll arrive in the fangame reference room and unlock the wallpaper.

Image 20

The Longcoat effect is required.

Enter the green door to Lilypad Lake. Take the path to the left of the door and step between the coral. Walk to the other side of the bubble path (ignore the obelisk) and step between another pair of coral. Go south-east and look for four pedestals with strange symbols on them.

Solve the combination puzzle and a mask will appear. (Solution: Statues should go be in the following order: red, blue, yellow, red). Interact with the mask to arrive at the Graveyard. Go north-east, equip the Longcoat effect and interact with the tall white obelisk. A cutscene will play and Umitsuki will wake up, unlocking the wallpaper.

Image 21

Obtain the Digital effect.

Image 22

The Harpoon effect is required.

Use the Harpoon effect to kill NPCs until you obtain five coins. Enter the blue door to Rainy City. Go left until you reach a point where the road splits south. Take the road going down then go right and enter the building. You should arrive in a pub. Go up and interact with the bartender and buy five drinks. A cutscene will play and Umitsuki will wake up, unlocking the wallpaper.

Image 23

The Bunny effect is required.

Enter the green door to the Lilypad Lake. Go east, find and interact with the metallic object. In the catwalk, go up, then right, up again, then left and interact with the brown NPC. Walk across the path to reach Bottle World. Find and go up the stairway. Go right and enter the Night Club. Go up and use the Bunny effect to enter the hole in the wall next to the door. Head down and step onto the middle of the stage. A cutscene will play and Umitsuki will wake up, unlocking the wallpaper.

Image 24

Throughout the dream world are five NPCs called Floopies, which are big pink sitting creatures. You must interact with all five of them to unlock the wallpaper. They can be found at the following locations:

  1. In the Cruise Ship, in the middle-right room on the second floor
  2. In the Submarine
  3. In the Night Club
  4. In the Magic Forest, south from the Compass Hub entryway.
  5. In the Rainy Docks

Image 25

Obtain the Beacon effect.

Image 26

Obtain the Longcoat effect.

Image 27

Enter the blue door to the Rainy City. Go right until the road splits in two directions. Take the road going north and enter the open manhole. In Polluted World, go right and interact with fish skeleton NPC to unlock the wallpaper.

Image 28

Enter the Trench. To get there, enter the red door to the Red Beach. Go north-west and enter the hut. Interact with manhole cover inside the hut. Interact with the machine under the stairs so that the light turns blue then exit the submarine. In the Rainy Docks, go right then when you reach the point where the path branches out, go onto the path immediately below you and head left. Look for a gray obelisk at a dead-end and interact with it to reach the Barren Cliff. At the Barren Cliff, make your way down to the bottom. You should arrive at a body of water with a pier. Walk onto the pier and jump off the end.

Image 29

Sleep three times.

Image 30

Enter Coral World through the multi-colored door in the Nexus.


Ending 1

Collect all of the effects. Return to the Nexus and interact with the sparkle inside the eye in the middle of the Nexus. Drop the effects in their respective pedestals then wake up. You can now leave the bedroom. Once you do, go right and interact with the knife on the counter. Umitsuki will stab herself with the knife and then collapse onto the floor. The credits will then roll.

Ending 2

Collect all of the effects and unlock at least 25 Wallpapers, not including the two that are unlocked by default. Return to the Nexus and interact with the sparkle inside the eye in the middle of the Nexus. Drop the effects in their respective pedestals then wake up. You can now leave the bedroom. Once you do, go right and interact with the door to the right of the kitchen. A brief cutscene will play, showing Umitsuki standing outside before disappearing. It'll then cut to her in a hospital room before the credits roll.

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