Game | Walkthrough | Gallery | Theories | Soundtrack |
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A complete soundtrack list for Someday can be found on the game's wiki.
01 - Doodle: Doodle World
02 - WhatWhoWhereWhyWhen: Question World / Hospital
03 - Nexus: Nexus
03a - NeuxuuuuusNu: Glitched Nexus
04 - Waves: Beach / Caves
05 - Uncharted Territory: Sewers
06 - Red: Lava World
07 - Wind: Window
07a - Wind (no rain): Good Ending
08 - Hexagonal: Hexagon Realm / Downer LSD World
09 - Are you Kondo: Glitch World
10 - Song Of The Clock: Clock Tower
11 - kcolC ehT fO gnoS: Clock Tower (Rewind)
12 - 8-bit Field: 8-Bit World
13 - hypnopOmpOs: Haunted House (Fake Room)
14 - SPAAACE: Space World
15 - Suggestive Sinewave: Purple Polka-Dot World
16 - Sinewave Suggestion: Dynamic LSD World / Edible World
17 - Sound Of The Sun: Desert
18 - helpme.wav: Haunted House (Entrance)
19 - Shame: Bullying Ground
20 - Test: Testing Area
21 - A9: Alphanumeric World
22 - Sn fTeCok: Clock Tower (Fast Forward)
23 - Spin: Monochrome Mall
23a - s p i n (DELUXE EDITION): Monochrome Mall (Psychedelic Event)
24 - Echo: Mountain World
25 - Tubes: Tubes World
25a - Tubes (silent): Tubes World (Entrance)
25b - Tubes (percussion): Tubes World (Main Area)
25c - Tubes (melody): Tubes World (Bubbly's Room)
26 - A Normal Day At School: School World
26a - A Terrible Day At School: Corrupted School
27 - Flying Tuna: Title Screen / Streetlight World
28 - Neon Vibes: Neon World
29 - Rain: Rain World
30 - Ambiance: Forest / Ice World
31 - Bubbly: Pink Maze / Colorful Fish Event
32 - kite: Rusted Tubes World (End)
33 - Flowers: Flower Field
34 - Spring Grassland: Grassland World / Seabed
35 - Friends: High School (Student Party)
36 - Drowning In Darkness: Dark World
37 - Servers Firing: Computer World / Internet
37a - SERVERS DESTROYING: Computer Maze
38 - Art: Art Gallery
39 - Nwn Vwbs: Neon Path
40 - Tsuki Nikki: Tsukitsuki's House
41 - Rainbow: Rainbow World
42 - In The Fog: Fog World
43 - The Lake: The Lake
44 - Headphone Makeup: Upper LSD World
45 - 1ne 3wo 2hree 4ive: Static LSD World
46 - Nice Town: Nice Town
47 - The Subway: Subway
48- The Subway Stairs: Subway Stairs
49 - Fuzzy: Fuzzy House
50 - Data Streams: Data World / City
51 - Clean: Shower
52 - Wobbly: Wobbly World
53 - Grid: Grid Path
54 - det'ok: That Weird Face Room
55 - Answer: Hospital (Room 307)
56 - Bridges: Water Path
57 - A Snowy Day: Glacier
58 - Chased: Stranger Event
59 - 0.053 Nanometers: Space View
60 - Nice Bar: Nice Bar
61 - A Little Bit Off: Shooting Star Path
62 - Sewn: Thread World
63 - Vapor And Broken Screens: Memory Graveyard
64 - Engulfed In Oblivion: Void Of Deletion
65 - Space Party!: Space Party
66 - No One On Your Side: Rusted Tubes World
67 - Playtime: Playground
68 - Natural Lights: Overgrown Caves
69 - Not: Scary Face Map
70 - The Dance Flood: The Dance Floor (Normal)
70a - The Dance Flood (full): The Dance Floor (Flooded)
e1 - Breaking Apart: Glitched Hallway
e2 - Majestic: Dream Steps
saveglitch: Fake Save Screen
savesong(1-8): Save Screen (Depends On Menu Theme)
The Subway Remix: Space Flight