This means the title screen graphic is missing.
Possible reasons and solutions:
1. Did you mess with the files? You may have accidentally deleted the title screen graphic. I can't say this is a locale error because that file has no Japanese characters, which means the file can be read. (Not sure about Greek text though.)
2. But... there are three files with Japanese text in the names. (one in the Characters folder and two in the SE (Sound Effects) folder). Setting your locale to Japanese may still ensure the game to work.
3. This might sound weird, but did you download the game from a website that is not the link provided here? Unofficial uploads may have certain important files missing.
4. The folders might have been rearranged. Everything needs to be in its place so the game can find everything. This is the order for all files: In the Audio folder, there should be three folders named BGM, ME, and SE. (Don't worry about the Data folder.) In the Graphics file there should be Animations, Autotiles, Characters, Fogs, Icons, Panoramas, Pictures, Tilesets, Titles and Windowskins. If any of these are missing, you might have put one in the other by mistake.
This is already a pretty long comment, so I'm gonna end this now. Please don't take offense, but nobody here likes to clutter up the comments section. So please contact me on my "Technical Difficulties Ask Thread" if you need more help. See ya!