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Yume Nikki Fangames Wiki

Yume 2kki (ゆめ2っき)/guide: Difference between revisions

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(You must have the Chainsaw effect first)
(You must have the Chainsaw and Fairy/Spacesuit effects first)

Forest World → Chocolate World → Stone Maze → Bowling Zone chainsaw the girl → Invisible Maze → follow Yukata's facing direction → interact with the purple silhouette.
Forest World → Go right and interact with the white chocolate bar. → In the Chocolate World, take the narrow path with the brown and white tiles → Go up when you reach the dark chocolate path until you see a yellow and purple tree. Interact with the tree to reach the Stone Maze → Go all the way to the right, use the fairy or spacesuit effect to get across the gap → Go all the way down and interact with the red bowling ball. → Make your way to the top of the alley (avoid the bowling balls) → Interact with the bowling pins on top to reach Bowling Pin World.
Go left until you reach a green and red bowling ball beside each other. → Go up until you reach four bowling pins and step on the small shadows. → Make your way to the top of the alleyway → Keep going up and interact with the tree Chainsaw the girl then turn back. → follow whatever path that Yukata's facing → interact with the purple silhouette.

Mushroom World → Bug Maze → The Hand Hub → Shinto Shrine → interact with the ghostly Maiko.
Mushroom World → Go down a little bit and left from the entrance and interact with the green teleporter. → In the Bug Maze go: Left, Up, Right, Up, Left and Down. Go between the plant stalks to reach The Hand Hub → Go down and take the first path going up → Interact with the portal to reach the Shinto Shrine → Enter the larger shrine → Make your way to the large room with the door to the Sakura Path. → Go down the bottom left door and make your way down to a room with open double doors. → Interact with the ghostly Maiko.

Purple World → interact with the red oil drum.
Purple World → Go right and take an upwards path. → If you see a red oil drum interact with it.


Revision as of 19:18, 6 January 2016

Game Walkthrough Gallery Theories

Effects Guide


Garden World → Go up from the entrance until you reach the side of a pink building with two keyholes/doors on them. → Go right until there are two large buds above you then go up. Interact with the motorcycle.

Cripple/Plaster Cast

Marijuana Goddess World → Dark Room → Sewer → Japan Town → enter the alleyway → interact with Heishi-kun.

Haniwa (Gyroid)

Mushroom World → Bug Maze → Sign World → Haniwa Temple → interact with the Haniwa.


Theatre World → Cutlery World → interact with a silver fork → interact with the cake headed girl.


(You must have the Chainsaw and the Telephone effects first)

Heart World → Go down and left from the entrance. → Interact with the red shoes to reach Deciding Street → room beside the street → kill the telephone and take its place by using Telephone effect to attract the pink figure.


Library → Apartment → The Docks → Submarine → wait until the emergency alarm → Ocean Floor → interact with the egg → Child Room → interact with the egg.


Graveyard World → Hospital → Arrow Maze → Hanging Girl → Magical Circle → Cliff → interact with the pink thing.

Gakuran (School Boy)

Garden World → The Chainlink Path → Blue Forest → Art Gallery → Monochrome Feudal Japan → castle area → island area → interact with the blue skin Gakuran.


(You must have the Lantern or the Rainbow effect first)

Geometry World → Go left slightly and down → Interact with the top of the snake-like squiggly line. → Enter the mouth of Smokin' HAL then leave → Broken Face Area → Go left and then down past the UFO building. Interact with the green NPC. → Baddies Bar → Go up and right to a long zipper → use Lantern or Rainbow effect to open the zip on the wall → interact with the flashing man with a trombone.


Mushroom World → White Mushroom Field → White Fern World → climb the tower → interact with the tissue.

Little Red Riding Hood

Mushroom World → Elvis Masada's Place → Crossing Line → Apartment → UFO → apple button → Fairy Tale Woods B → interact with the apple tree.


Toy World → Gray Road → Grass World → Warehouse → interact with the moving polygon.


Geometry World → Go left slightly and down → Interact with the top of the snake-like squiggly line. → Enter the mouth of Smokin' HAL then leave → Broken Face Area → Go left until you see a dark face with blood leaking out of it. → Go down and interact with the Marginal Vivid Worker (the NPC with several heads/legs).

Teru Teru Bozu

Toy World → Gray Road → Grass World → Floating Stone World → Dark Alleys → interact with the Teru Teru Bozu.


Red Streetlight World → Go right from the entrance and interact with the streetlamp with four lamps on its left side. → Go up and left from the streetlamp. Go off road and go down the staircase. → Go right to leave the building. → Go down and right. Go between two blue pillars. → Go down and right from the pillars. → Interact with the stone on the ground surrounded by floating stones. → Dark Alleys → Go right and up the alleyway. Go right again and up the first alleyway you find. Go left. → Dark Staircase → Make your way down to the end of the tunnels. Interact with the Teru Teru Bozu at the end of a long staircase.


(You must have the Teru Teru Bozu and the Rainbow effects first)

Marijuana Goddess World → Dark Room → Konami Codes → Tribe Settlement → Teru Teru Bozu + Rainbow → interact with the demon.


(You must have the Invisible effect first)

Marijuana Goddess World → Dark Room → Sewer A → Japan Town → Sewer B → Monochrome Feudal Japan → FC Basement (use Invisible effect to go pass the eye) → Tribe Settlement → interact with the demon.


Geometry World → go left and up from the entrance and enter the lone doorway → interact with the object at the end of the hallway until it stops changing colour → go out and interact with the outline boy.


Graveyard World → Go left and up from the entrance. → Go up through the vomiting heart's mouth. → Go left and enter the door. → Go left and through the hallway next to the seats. → Keep going left through the halls until you reach a hallway where the middle door is boarded up. → Enter the door to the right of it. → Go left until you reach the Hospital Outskirts. → Go down until you reach another wall. → Go left and step on the red circle. → Go straight to the right from where you're teleported and enter the mouth of a vomiting diamond three times. → Interact with the chainsaw.


Forest World → Go up and right from the entrance. Look for and enter the hole sectioned off by traffic cones and a yellow sign → Underground → At the first intersection near the cave's entrance, go down. Keep going down until you reach the bottom-most wall. → Go right (and up/down when necessary) and you should find a red lantern at a dead-end which will give you the effect.


Purple World → Go down and left from the entrance. → Find a narrow path going left and head down it. → Enter the large honeycomb at the end of the path to reach the Dark building. → Once inside, take the elevator in front of you.  → Enter the door at the end of the hall. → Interact with the blue orb in the cage.


(You will need the Lantern effect for the Dark Museum).

Geometry World → Go left and up from the entrance. Enter the door to the Dark Museum. → Equip the Lantern effect, go up and enter the door. → Enter the door at the end of the hallway. → In the main area, go left and interact with the yellow box. → Flying Fish World → Navigate your way through the elevator system. You will eventually find the effect lying on the ground.


(You better have the Lantern effect first)

Geometry World → Go left and up from the entrance. → Enter the door to the Dark Museum. → Equip the Lantern effect, go up and enter the door. → Go down the hallway and enter the door at the end of it. → In the main area, enter the doorway to the right that is between two plants. → Go right, up and interact with the glasses on the pedestal.


Theatre World → interact with the rainbow.


Mushroom World → Go down a little bit and left from the entrance. → Interact with the green teleporter → Bug Maze → Go: Left, second Up, Right, Up as far as you can, Right, Up and Left → Interact with the gray sign → Sign World → Go left and down from where you spawn. → Interact with the blue sign. → Teleport Maze → [right, right, up, right, right] → Go right and interact with the wolf boy.

Eyeball Bomb

Toy World → Go right and down from the entrance → Enter the door to the Red Brick Maze → Go: Right twice, Up three times and Right.  → Enter the Door to the Mini Maze → In the maze, make your way to the right side of the map. → Head to the bottom of the map then go left to the middle. → You should see an eyeball bomb in a dead end. Walk to it to get the effect.


Marijuana Goddess World → Go down from the entrance until you reach the bottom of some pink tiles on the right side of the screen. → Go left and enter the purple building → Dark Room → Go down twice to enter the Onimusume Room → interact with the black telephone.


Urotsuki's Dream Apartments → interact with the game console.


(You must have the Chainsaw effect first)

Mushroom World → Go down a little bit and left from the entrance → Interact with the green teleporter → Bug Maze → Go left and take the path going up → Interact with the large purple flower → Scenic Outlook → attack the creature on the top → avoid the creature and interact with the gray pillar → Go up and interact with the dark pink orb.


Library → Apartment → tunnel → interact with the red eye NPC → enter the door → interact with the green haired NPC.


(You must have the Chainsaw and Fairy/Spacesuit effects first)

Forest World → Go right and interact with the white chocolate bar. → In the Chocolate World, take the narrow path with the brown and white tiles → Go up when you reach the dark chocolate path until you see a yellow and purple tree. → Interact with the tree to reach the Stone Maze → Go all the way to the right, use the fairy or spacesuit effect to get across the gap → Go all the way down and interact with the red bowling ball. → Make your way to the top of the alley (avoid the bowling balls) → Interact with the bowling pins on top to reach Bowling Pin World.

Go left until you reach a green and red bowling ball beside each other. → Go up until you reach four bowling pins and step on the small shadows. → Make your way to the top of the alleyway → Keep going up and interact with the tree → Chainsaw the girl then turn back. → follow whatever path that Yukata's facing → interact with the purple silhouette.


Mushroom World → Go down a little bit and left from the entrance and interact with the green teleporter. → In the Bug Maze go: Left, Up, Right, Up, Left and Down. → Go between the plant stalks to reach The Hand Hub → Go down and take the first path going up → Interact with the portal to reach the Shinto Shrine → Enter the larger shrine → Make your way to the large room with the door to the Sakura Path. → Go down the bottom left door and make your way down to a room with open double doors. → Interact with the ghostly Maiko.


Purple World → Go right and take an upwards path. → If you see a red oil drum interact with it.


Graveyard World → go left and up from the entrance → Go up past the vomiting heart and interact with the walking gravestone.

Bunny Ears

(You must have the Glasses effect first. You must also have at least 20 money.)

Library → Equip the Glasses effect and go straight down (You must keep the Glasses on for most of this). → A moving book will appear on the bookshelf to your right.  → Interact with it to get to the Eyeball Archives → Go up from where you stand until you reach an NPC surrounded by arrows.  → Go left past the bookshelves. There should be a sparkling book on the table below you. Interact with it.

Head back to the library from where you entered. There should now be a moving book beside you. → Take it and go back.  → Go up in the Archives until you reach an NPC behind a counter. → Interact with the right side of the counter and go up past the hazard tape. Go up the ladder. → Enter the room to your left. → Talk to the NPC on the right. For 10 money he will play a song that Urotsuki will listen to. → When he's finished leave. The NPCs blocking the ladder will now be gone. → Go up the ladder to the Moon. → Go up to the Moon and interact with it so the camera pans up to it. → interact with the Bunny Ears.


(Note: You must have at least fifteen effects before you can get the Crossing effect). Heart World → Go down and left from the entrance to reach the shoes that bring you to Deciding Street.  → Go a little to the left and down from those.  → Interact with the railroad crossing sign.

External Link

Effects Page (Yume 2kki Wiki)

Wallpapers Guide (Yume 2kki Wiki)

Kura Puzzles Guide (Yume 2kki Wiki)

Mini Game - ↑V↑ (Wavy Up) Guide (Yume 2kki Wiki)

Endings Guide (Yume 2kki Wiki)