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|Box title = NostAlgic
|image = Image:NostAlgictitle.png
|imagewidth = 250
| name = nostAlgic
|caption = NostAlgic's title screen
| image = NostAlgicV008Title.png
|Row 1 title = Creator
| caption = nostAlgic's Title Screen (Ver. 0.08.)
|Row 1 info = TOM
| Version = 0.08 (2021/10/21)
|Row 2 title = Current Version
| Creator = [[TOM]]
|Row 2 info = 0.06
| Language = Japanese
|Row 3 title = Effects
| Engine = {{Engine|RPG Maker 2000}}
|Row 3 info = 8
| Date = 2011-5-11
|Row 4 title = Nexus Doors
| hero2 = Asprite7.png
|Row 4 info = 4
| Protagonist = [[A]]
|Row 5 title = Endings
| Nexus Doors = 4 + 1 (Ending 2 only)
|Row 5 info = 1}}'''NostAlgic''' is a Yume Nikki fangame created by "Tom" and known for both its very light color scheme and generally more optimistic take on a YN-based exploration game. Dubbed "the anti-.Flow," the relaxing music and relative lack of more frightening elements found in other fan games allow the user to focus on the lighter side of dreams. As of the latest version, the game's world is relatively small, but has an ending and nine collectable "accesories." The latest version is 0.06, available at the [http://milky.geocities.jp/tom_cat_joyful/nostalgic.html official site].
| Effects = 14
| Endings = 1 (2 before 0.08)

'''nostAlgic''' is a Japanese Yume Nikki fangame created by [[TOM]] in RPG Maker 2000. It is known for its very light color scheme and for having a generally more optimistic take on a YN-based exploration game.

nostAlgic is a traditional fangame. Sleeping on the bed will take the player to the dream world. From there, the player can explore the various areas and collect effects. Interact with the notebook while awake to save.

You play as A, a presumed hikikomori who consequently refuses to leave his/her room. A's gender is debated, though there is an effect that gives him/her a feminine side-ponytail with a green ribbon.
*'''Move''' - Arrow Keys
*'''Interact''' - Z
*'''Open Menu''' - X
*'''Effect Action''' - Shift

A's bedroom is a small, cozy space with blue walls and a picture of a house on a hill. There is a blue bed towards the bottom of the room, which can be interacted with to access the dream world, and a single desk with a notebook on it, where the player can save. Next to the desk is a light switch that can be turned on and off. The door to the right, presumably leading to the rest of the house, cannot be accessed, but the door to the top leads out to a wide balcony looking out on a sunny day -- a contrast to the gloomier balconies in both ''Yume Nikki'' and some of its better-known sequels, such as .Flow.
You play as [[A]]. A's dreams are rather light and childlike, meaning they possibly want to forget why they locked themself in and/or refuse to go out.

[[File:NostAlgicAsRoom.png|thumb|left|300px|A's room]]
There are currently nine effects in the game, also known as accesories. Their actions can be accessed by pressing the SHIFT key.
{| border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="article-table" style="width: 100%;"
! scope="col"|Name
! scope="col"|Image
! scope="col"|Description
|'''Cow Hat'''<br />(うしハット)
|A wears a cow hat and cowbell. Pressing SHIFT makes A jump and ring the bell.
|[[File:NostAlgicFace 8.png|center]]
|'''Camera'''<br />(カメラ)
|A wears a camera around their neck. Pressing SHIFT makes A take a photo, toggling the music and movement of the background and NPCs on/off. This only lasts for as long as the camera is equipped.
|[[File:NostAlgicFace 5.png|center]]
|'''Zero Gravity'''<br />(無重力)
|A floats in the air, gaining the ability to go to otherwise unreachable areas.
|[[File:NostAlgicFace 1.png|center]]
|'''Fruit Knife'''<br />(フルーツナイフ)
|A wields a fruit knife as a weapon, which is used to attack NPCs.
|[[File:NostAlgicFace 11.png|center]]
|'''Carnation'''<br />(カーネーション)
|A's head turns into a carnation. Pressing SHIFT causes A to jump, teleporting them back to the Nexus.
|[[File:NostAlgicFace 10.png|center]]
|'''Comet'''<br />(ホウキ星)
|A rides on a comet, increasing their speed.
''(In ver. 0.06, pressing SHIFT toggles whether A is sitting or standing on it.)''
|[[File:NostAlgicFace 7.png|center]]
|A becomes a drawing of themself.
|[[File:NostAlgicFace 2.png|center]]
|'''Tree'''<br />(木)
|A's head is replaced with the leaves of a tree.
|[[File:NostAlgicFace 13.png|center]]
|'''Ribbon'''<br />(リボン)
|A's hair is tied into a side ponytail with a green ribbon.
|[[File:NostAlgicFace 3.png|center]]
|'''Fork'''<br />(フォーク)
|A's head turns into a fork tied with a violet ribbon.
''(In ver. 0.06, pressing SHIFT causes A to fly and increases their speed, additionally it can be used to kill NPCs by touching them.)''
|[[File:NostAlgicFace 12.png|center]]
|'''Fry Pan'''<br/>(フライパン)
|A holds a frying pan. Can be used to hit certain NPCs and objects to make some sparkling stars appear.
|[[File:NostAlgicFace 14.png|center]]
|'''Unicorn'''<br />(ユニコーン)
|A grows a unicorn's horn, ears and tail.
|[[File:NostAlgicFace 6.png|center]]
|'''Pillow & Nightcap'''<br />(枕とナイトキャップ)
|A hugs a pillow and wears a nightcap.
|[[File:NostAlgicFace 9.png|center]]
|'''Clock Hand'''<br />(時計の針)
|Many clock arrows grow from A's body.
|[[File:NostAlgicFace 4.png|center]]

'''Comet '''is the game's equivalent of the bike, and allows for greater movement. When the action button is pressed, there is a flash of light as a star-like sound plays, though this appears to have no real effect.
==Gameplay Images (Version 0.08)==

'''Camera '''has the ability to toggle the music on/off when the action key is pressed, though this only lasts for as long as the camera is your current effect.
==Gameplay Video (Version 0.08)==

'''Tree '''replaces the character's head with the leaves of a tree. It appears to be purely cosmetic.
{|class = "article-table" border="1" style="width: 100%;"
|[https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/93591871 Pixiv]
|[https://ux.getuploader.com/tom_game/download/4 '''GetUploader''']
|[http://www.mediafire.com/file/qs2e0qvx1a6qtr6/nostalgic_0.07.zip/file Mediafire] (Mirror provided by [[Nexus0.10]])
|[https://www.mediafire.com/file/zag09nuvq979h5v/nostAlgic_0.06.7z/file Mediafire] (Mirror provided by Wavyup)
|Versions 0.01, 0.03, 0.04+, and 0.05++
|[http://www.mediafire.com/file/p69zqpjxkitujv7/nostAlgic_old_versions.7z/file Mediafire] (Mirror provided by [[Nexus0.10]])

'''Carnation '''is the game's Medamaude. It turns the protagonist's head into a carnation, which falls apart when the action key is pressed, teleporting the player back to the main dream world hub.
{|class = "article-table" border="1" style="width: 100%;"
* Carbonara + Lovena
*'''[https://ynoproject.net/nostalgic/ YNOproject] (Browser Only)'''
*[[User:飛揚寒星|飛揚寒星]] (fcoldstar), approved by TOM.
*[http://yumenikki.info/archives/nostalgic/ Yumenikki.info]
*[https://mega.nz/#!mps1UCQI!j-K5wMd0l7UHUKkLPQ54ri5OQh90FRrlxzjlLqqBiTk Mega]

'''Ribbon '''gives A a ponytail with a green ribbon. It is a cosmetic effect.
==External Links==
*[https://yume.wiki/nostalgic/NostAlgic_Wiki nostAlgic Wiki]

'''Fork '''is another effect that seems to have no use, though the existence of a food motif throughout the game suggests that it might have some symbolic value.
*Effects were called ''Accessories'' before ver. 0.06.

'''Zero Gravity '''allows the player to float at a very slow speed, granting the ability to go over walls that previously barred movement, particularly in the Shooting Star Area where it is found. Once the walls are passed, other effects can be used and the character can roam outside the original boundaries of the map.
'''Fruit Knife '''is the player's weapon, used to attack NPCs. The only significant event that comes as a consequence of killing these NPCS is one with three colored children in the area the knife is found, who turn into chasers when attacked. If they catch you, the game closes.
'''Frying Pan''' makes A hold a frying pan. It seems to be cosmetic.
From the dream world nexus, there are two accesible doors, to Sugar World, and Forest World, and one you can enter at the end of the game, which leads to Allan's house.
'''Time World'''
A dark area with white numbers floating in the background. In older versions this area was a lot brighter and hard to see in. A few NPCs wander here, such as people with clock faces, though they don't have much significance and only make noise if you interact with them. Twisted colorful arrows are scattered about, perhaps broken clock hands. The most notable features of this map are the entrances to Monochrome Underwater World and the Dream Bedroom, both of which lead to a number of effects.
Direct & Indirect connections:
*Underwater Monochrome World
*Glass Panel World
*Cut Hand World
*Rose Chaser Area
*Nursery Area
*Dream Bedroom
*Letter Children World
*Paper Plane World
'''Sugar World'''
A pink sea studded with what appear to be candy-canes in bent shapes and lemon slices. If you sit at the bench in the small bus stop in this world, you will be transported to the Bus Area. Interacting with the fat, bleeding candy cane transforms the world into a slightly creepier version where droplets of blood are everywhere and a yellow letter child can be found along with the sprite of a man who appears to be writhing in pain.
Direct & Indirect connections:
*Bus Area
*Shooting Star World
*Restaurant Tower
*Picnic World
*Ant-Infested Picnic World
'''Forest World'''
An area with snowy white paths and pink and blue pine trees. The only NPC here is a yellow comet from which you receive the Comet effect. There are two doorways here to get to other worlds -- a blue sketch pad with a hole in it, and a large blue house.
Direct & Indirect connections:
*Triangle Path
*Spaceship Exterior
*Spaceship Interior
*Blue House
*Chair Room
*Blue Chair Land
*Cat Panorama
*Butterfly Box
*Green Bed Land
'''Allan's House'''
'''Waring: spoilers follow.'''
A small home where Allan lives with his mother. It features some of the darkest imagery in the game, especially when the house becomes distorted when you control the mother.
*White Forest Path
*Allan's Room
*Allan's Distorted House
*Allan's Distorted Room
'''Waring: spoilers follow.'''
Once all nine effects have been found, the player is given access to the previously locked white door at the end of the hall. Opening it leads A to an empty white area. Heading north for a while reveals a blue house similar to the one in the area by the triangle. 
Walking into the house you see a woman, who seems to be the same woman as the chasers in A's dreams, at a kitchen table either dead, wounded, or asleep next to a pile of what appear to be fruit shavings or pills with a paring knife (perhaps the same kind from the Fruit Knife effect). The kitchen she is in is barred off, so the player is left either to explore the limited TV room or enter the bedroom. Once entered, you cannot exit. The only interactable items in the room are a picture of a flower, a xlyophone that makes a small sound, and an empty notepad next to some markers. Interacting with the notepad leads to the next scene.
The mother wakes from the table, but the house is now unsettling colors and infested with white worm-like creatures everywhere. The menu cannot be accessed at this time. She carries the paring knife. The only option is to enter the bedroom, which has also become distorted. You are able to kill the large worms squirming around, a shrill scream, a slice and glass breaking being heard.
You'll find A where you left him off -- except he is now a large purple tentacle monster with many eyes that are seeping blood. the room is now very light with bright pastel colours and squares on the floor with the letters A, B and C. The mother still carries the paring knife from earlier, and interacting with the monster from the front will make her kill it. You hear the monster/A's scream and the screen fades.
After a short intermission of "E N D" written on the screen in bright lettering, there is a scene of A laying in the pink sugar sea under two of the straws, paring knife off to the side. Then the screen reverts back to the title screen.
[[File:NostAlgic Ending|thumb|left|384px|The ending to the older versions of NostAlgic; before the new spriting.]]
[[Category:Fangames Made in RPG Maker 2000]]
[[Category:Fangames With Endings]]
[[Category:Japanese Fangames]]
[[Category:Translated To Chinese]]
[[Category:Translated To English]]
[[Category:Translated To French]]
[[Category:Traditional Fangames]]
[[Category:Multiple Endings]]

Revision as of 17:36, 26 October 2024

nostAlgic's Title Screen (Ver. 0.08.)
Latest Version

0.08 (2021/10/21)






RPG Maker 2000

Release Date

May 11, 2011



Nexus Doors

4 + 1 (Ending 2 only)




1 (2 before 0.08)


nostAlgic is a Japanese Yume Nikki fangame created by TOM in RPG Maker 2000. It is known for its very light color scheme and for having a generally more optimistic take on a YN-based exploration game.


nostAlgic is a traditional fangame. Sleeping on the bed will take the player to the dream world. From there, the player can explore the various areas and collect effects. Interact with the notebook while awake to save.


  • Move - Arrow Keys
  • Interact - Z
  • Open Menu - X
  • Effect Action - Shift


You play as A. A's dreams are rather light and childlike, meaning they possibly want to forget why they locked themself in and/or refuse to go out.


Name Image Description Icon
Cow Hat
A wears a cow hat and cowbell. Pressing SHIFT makes A jump and ring the bell.
NostAlgicFace 8.png
A wears a camera around their neck. Pressing SHIFT makes A take a photo, toggling the music and movement of the background and NPCs on/off. This only lasts for as long as the camera is equipped.
NostAlgicFace 5.png
Zero Gravity
A floats in the air, gaining the ability to go to otherwise unreachable areas.
NostAlgicFace 1.png
Fruit Knife
A wields a fruit knife as a weapon, which is used to attack NPCs.
NostAlgicFace 11.png
A's head turns into a carnation. Pressing SHIFT causes A to jump, teleporting them back to the Nexus.
NostAlgicFace 10.png
A rides on a comet, increasing their speed.

(In ver. 0.06, pressing SHIFT toggles whether A is sitting or standing on it.)

NostAlgicFace 7.png
A becomes a drawing of themself.
NostAlgicFace 2.png
A's head is replaced with the leaves of a tree.
NostAlgicFace 13.png
A's hair is tied into a side ponytail with a green ribbon.
NostAlgicFace 3.png
A's head turns into a fork tied with a violet ribbon.

(In ver. 0.06, pressing SHIFT causes A to fly and increases their speed, additionally it can be used to kill NPCs by touching them.)

NostAlgicFace 12.png
Fry Pan
A holds a frying pan. Can be used to hit certain NPCs and objects to make some sparkling stars appear.
NostAlgicFace 14.png
A grows a unicorn's horn, ears and tail.
NostAlgicFace 6.png
Pillow & Nightcap
A hugs a pillow and wears a nightcap.
NostAlgicFace 9.png
Clock Hand
Many clock arrows grow from A's body.
NostAlgicFace 4.png

Gameplay Images (Version 0.08)

Gameplay Video (Version 0.08)



Version Date Announcement Download

October 21, 2021

Pixiv GetUploader

August 9, 2014

// Mediafire (Mirror provided by Nexus0.10)
Ver.0.06 // // Mediafire (Mirror provided by Wavyup)
Versions 0.01, 0.03, 0.04+, and 0.05++ Various // Mediafire (Mirror provided by Nexus0.10)


Version Languages Translators Announcements Downloads
  • English
  • French
  • YouArentDistorted
  • Carbonara + Lovena
  • //
  • Chinese

External Links


  • Effects were called Accessories before ver. 0.06.