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This is the walkthrough page for nostAlgic. If you see any incorrect/missing information please inform us, or add the missing information.
Complete effects guide for nostAlgic, as of version 0.07.
:''For up-to-date information concerning the latest version (Version 0.08), please see the dedicated [https://yume.wiki/nostalgic/NostAlgic_Wiki nostAlgic Wiki].''
'''Appearance- '''A rides a bright comet.

'''Use-''' Increases A's speed
==Effects Guide==
===Camera (カメラ)===
'''Appearance:''' A wears a camera around their neck.

'''Action'''- .Toggles A rideing or standing on the comet.
'''Passive Effect:''' None.

'''Location- '''Interact with a brightly colored NPC south of forest world.
'''Action:''' (Shift) A takes a picture, stopping the music and any background/NPC movement. This'll last as long as the effect's equipped.

'''Location:''' Found in the Pink Seabed.
'''Appearance- '''A wears a camera around his neck.

'''Use-''' Snaps a photo for a brief second.
'''Practical Uses:''' Used to stop NPCs movement.

'''Action'''- .Takes a picture and toggles music on or off.
Enter the Forest World. Head north and enter the triangle glass doors. Go right and interact with the light blue archway to reach the Pink Seabed. Go down until you are stopped by some pink seaweed. Go left and you will find the effect between some blue pillars.

'''Location- '''Get to the forest world and head north to interact with the glass triangle doors, heading directly east to the light blue gate after. Interact to go to the undersea world, and then head south to find the effect. 
===Zero Gravity (無重力)===
'''Appearance:''' A floats off the ground.

'''Passive Effect:''' Allows A to explore previously unreachable areas.
'''Appearance-''' A's head becomes a tree.

'''Use-''' Purely cosmetic.
'''Action:''' None.

'''Action-''' .N/A
'''Location:''' Found in the Shooting Star World.

'''Location-''' Interact with a clone of A along the mirror path.
'''Practical Uses:''' Allows you to reach previously inaccessible areas.

Enter the Sugar Sea World, head northeast and sit on the bench. When you get to the bus area, head north to the bus and board it. The background of the bus must be pink to get to the Shooting Star World. Wander up to the star suspended on marionette strings and interact with it to get the effect.
'''Appearance-''' A's head becomes a carnation flower.

'''Use- '''Warps A back to the nexus.

'''Action-''' A teleports back to the nexus.
Enter the Pathway World. Go down from the door until you reach a second light blue tree that has a branch that stretches out above you and over the path. Go left from that branch, going through a green tree and interact with the present. Interact with the lamp inside so the sky turns blue and then leave.

'''Location-''' ?
This will take you to the Shooting Star World. Go left and then up a narrow bridge. You should see a star suspended by marionette strings. Interacting with it will give you the effect.

===Fruit Knife (フルーツナイフ)===
'''Appearance:''' A holds a fruit knife.

'''Passive Effect:''' None.

'''Appearance-''' A wears their hair in a ponytail with a mint green ribbon.
'''Action:''' (Z) When interacting with a NPC, A will attack them with the knife.

'''Use- '''Purely Cosmetic.
'''Location:''' Found in the transformed Sugar Sea World.

'''Action-''' N/A
'''Practical Uses:''' Used to attack NPCs.

'''Location-    '''Go to the sugar sea world and head northeast to the bench. When you get to the bus area, head north to the bus and board it. The background must be pink to get to the shooting star world. Find the large clock tower and get in it, walking up the ladder. Interact with the girl wandering with a stand up mic to get to the candy world. Keep track of where you are and interact with/eat all the candy to gain the effect.
In the Sugar Sea World, go up from the door until you reach a lemon slice. Go left past it and go up when another lemon slice is visible at the center of the bottom of your screen. Go up past an angular lemon slice and interact with the fat bleeding candy cane to transform the world, go back to the door and interact with the red flat peppermint on the ground near it.

===Carnation (カーネーション)===
'''Appearance:''' A's head becomes a carnation flower.

'''Passive Effect:''' None.

'''Appearance-''' A's head becomes a fork.
'''Action:''' (Shift) A jumps and warps back to the Nexus.

'''Use- '''Can be used to move faster and kill NPCS.
'''Location:''' Found in the Scratched Card World.

'''Action-''' A flys with the prongs of the fork facing foward. Any NPC in the way will be killed.
'''Practical Uses:''' Used to quickly return to the Nexus.

'''Location- '''Get to the forest world and head northeast from the comet that gives you the comet effect to find the blue house. Head inside and enter the far door, then interact with the large blue handle of sorts. Head northeast to the pink and blue door and walk through the cat panorama, getting into the nursery room. Locate the piles of food and the fork, interacting with it to get the effect.
Enter the Forest World, head north and enter the glass triangle doors. Go right and interact with the light blue gate to reach the Pink Seabed. Go down until you're stopped by some pink seaweed. Go left to reach some green-blue towers. Enter the one that has a doorway in it. Go up past the sunflower panorama.

==='''Zero Gravity[[File:Azerogravity.png|right]]'''===
In the Solitaire World, go south-west and interact with the joker with the lizard tail. In the Screen World, go down and bear right until you reach an exit. Go up from the exit and left a bit. Interact with the book with holes in it. Turn back and you will be in a new area with several chasers. Go south-east to an area with green grass and a carnation circled by butterflies. Interact with the carnation.

===Comet (ホウキ星)===
'''Appearance:''' A rides on a bright comet.

'''Appearance'''- A floats in the air
'''Passive Effect:''' A's movement speed increases.

'''Use'''- Slows A down, but allows him to float over certain obsticles.
'''Action:''' None.

'''Action'''- ?
'''Location:''' Found in the Forest World.

'''Location'''- Go to the sugar sea world and head northeast to the bench. When you get to the bus area, head north to the bus and board it. The background must be pink to get to the shooting star world. Wander up to the star suspended on marionette strings and interact to get the effect.
'''Practical Uses:''' Used to travel through the dream world faster and out-speed chasers.

==='''Fruit Knife[[File:Afruitknife.png|right]]'''===
Enter the Forest World. Go south-east from the door and interact with a brightly colored NPC.

===Receiver (受信機)===
'''Appearance:''' A's head is replaced by a radio receiver.

'''Appearance-''' A holds a small fruit knife.
'''Passive Effect:''' None.

'''Use-''' Kills NPCs.
'''Action:''' (Shift) The receiver turns on, allowing A to hear radio signals.

'''Action-''' ?
'''Location:''' Found in the Electronics World.

'''Location- '''In the sugar world, interact with the fat bleeding candy cane to transform the world, and find the red flat peppermint on the ground.
'''Practical Uses:''' None.

==='''Frying Pan [[File:Afryingpan.png|right]]'''===
Enter the Electronics World. Go straight up from the door and interact with the gold radio tower.

===Tree (木)===
'''Appearance:''' A's head becomes a tree.

'''Appearance- '''A holds a blue frying pan.
'''Passive Effect:''' None.

'''Use- '''can be used to hit (and sometimes kill) certain NPCS.
'''Action:''' None.

'''Action-''' A swings the frying pan.
'''Location:''' Found in the Mirror Hallway.

'''Location-''' Get to the forest world and head northeast just up from the comet that gives you the comet effect to find the blue house. Head inside and enter the far door, then interact with the large blue handle of sorts. Head northeast to the pink and blue door and walk through the cat panorama, getting into the nursery room. Find the egg and interact to get transported to the egg world. Head right until you see a broken egg with an object inside, and interact to gain the effect.
'''Practical Uses:''' Used to stop NPCs movement.

Enter the Sugar Sea World. Go south from the door until you're stopped by a large slice of lemon. Go right until a another slice of lemon appears from the screen below you. Go up and there will be a slice of lemon placed upwards at an odd angle. Go right from that and you should reach the Bus Stop. Sit on the bench.
From the dream world nexus, there are two accesible doors, Sugar Sea World and Forest World.

'''Sugar Sea World'''
Walk past the windmill panorama. In the Bus Area, go north and enter the bus. In order for you to reach the Bed World, the background must be a dark blue. Leave the bus and go right until you see two large green plants. Go between them and you will be teleported to the mirror room. Walk down the hallway and interact with the semi-transparent sprite of A.
<p style="margin-top:1em;margin-bottom:1em;">A pink sea studded with what appear to be candy-canes in bent shapes (or straws) and lemon slices. If you sit at the bench in the small bus stop in this world, you will be transported to the Windmill Panorama and then the Bus Area. There is a paper airplane floating around that transports you to a world full of scraps of large paper airplanes and pillars with paper airplanes stuck all over them.</p>

Interacting with the fat, bleeding candy cane transforms the world into a slightly creepier version where the sea is dry and there appears to be red and blue pills littered everywhere. Some are broken, leaking green liquid. There is a set of brightly coloured syringes, crossed like swords. 
===Ribbon (リボン)===
'''Appearance:''' A wears a their hair in a ponytail with a mint green ribbon.

Direct connections:
'''Passive Effect:''' None.
*Paper airplane world
*Distorted Sugar Sea World
*Windmill Panorama/Bus Area
'''Forest World'''

An area with snowy white paths and pink and blue pine trees. The only NPC here is a yellow comet from which you receive the Comet effect. Directly north are glass triangle doors, and there is also a blue house.
'''Action:''' None.

Direct connections:
'''Location:''' Found in the mannequin room in Treats World.
*Triangle Path
*Blue House

'''Practical Uses:''' None.

The door to A's bedroom is unlocked at the end of the game, leading to a new area. See the Plot area for details. [includes spoilers.]
Go to the Sugar Sea World and head northeast to the bench. When you get to the bus area, head north to the bus and board it. The background must be pink to get to the Shooting Star World. Find the large clock tower and go inside. Climb up the ladder and go to the top room.  

Interact with the girl wandering in the room to reach the Treats World. Keep track of where you are and interact with/eat all the candy. Enter the now open jar between two ants. Go up and interact with the mannequin head with a blonde wig.

===Fork (フォーク)===
'''Appearance:''' A's head becomes a fork.

<p style="margin-top:1em;margin-bottom:1em;">Once all nine effects have been found, the player is given access to the previously locked white door at the end of the hall. Opening it leads A to an empty white area studded with trees, flowers, and some of the scenery from the Sugar World. Heading north for a while causes the screen to fade to white and enter a new scene.</p>
'''Passive Effect:''' None.

A boy with brown hair is sitting in a bed next to a TV. A woman, presumably the boy's mother, enters the room and looks at him. The scene changes again.
'''Action:''' None.

You are now playing the boy. If you access the menu, you will see that despite the fact your character image is the same (the letter A), your name is now Allan. The woman from before is at a kitchen table, either dead, wounded, or asleep next to a pile of what appear to be fruit shavings or pills with a paring knife (perhaps the same kind from the Fruit Knife effect). The kitchen she is in is barred off, so the player is left either to explore the limited TV room or enter Allan's bedroom. Once entered, you cannot exit. The only interactable items in the room are a picture of a flower and an empty notepad next to some markers. Interacting with the notepad leads to the next scene.
'''Location:''' Found in the Nursery Room.
'''Practical Uses:''' None.
Enter the Forest World. Go directly left from the door and enter the house. Enter the door on the far right. Interact with the handle on the floor. Go straight down until you reach a large table and chairs. Go down a little bit and right from those. You should see large blue cat ears at the bottom of your screen.
Go down to them and interact with the cat globe.Go left past the cat panorama which will take you to the Nursery Room. Go down until you see a fork among some plates of food to your left. Interact with the fork.
===Fry Pan (フライパン)===
'''Appearance:''' A holds a blue frying pan.
'''Passive Effect:''' None.
'''Action:''' (Z) When interacting with certain NPCs/objects, A will hit them with the pan, making stars appear.
'''Location:''' Found in the Egg World.
'''Practical Uses:''' None.
Enter the Forest World and head left to find the blue house. Head inside and enter the far door, then interact with the large blue handle of sorts. Head northeast to the pink and blue door and walk through the cat panorama to reach the Nursery Room. Find the egg and interact to get transported to Egg World. Head north-east until you see a broken egg with a blue object inside; interact with it to get the effect.
===Unicorn (ユニコーン)===
'''Appearance:''' A's colour scheme becomes pastel blue and they gain ears and a tail, as well as a unicorn's horn.
'''Passive Effect:''' None.
'''Action:''' Mone.
'''Location:''' Found in the Shooting Star World.
'''Practical Uses:''' None.
''(Zero Gravity effect is needed)''
Enter the Pathway World. Go south-west and enter the present box. Turn on the lamp so the sky turns blue and turn back. You will now be in Shooting Star World. Go left and down to where there is a blue star in the ground near a huge clock. Equip the '''Zero Gravity''' effect so you can fly over the land. Go left until you see a unicorn beneath you. Interact with it to get the effect.
Go to the Sugar Sea World. Go north-east and sit on the bench. In the bus area go straight up and enter the bus. The background must be pink to reach Shooting Star World. Go left and down to where there is a blue star in front of a huge clock. Equip the '''Zero Gravity''' effect and go left past it. You should eventually see a unicorn below you. Go down and interact with it and get the effect.
===Pillow and Nightcap (枕とナイトキャップ)===
'''Appearance:''' A wears a pink nightcap and holds onto a pink pillow.
'''Passive Effect:''' None.
'''Action:''' None.
'''Location:''' Found in the Sleeping Field.
'''Practical Uses:''' None.
Enter the Sugar Sea World. Go north-east and sit on the bench. In the bus area, go straight up and enter the bus. To reach the bed world, the background must be dark blue. Leave the bus. Go right a bit and then up to reach two rows of beds.
Flick the lamp so that the sheets of the top bed on the second row have been turned back. Enter the bed and wait for the screen to darken. In the new area, go left and interact with the sleeping tree.
===Clock Hand (時計の針)===
'''Appearance:''' A's body is covered with clock hands.
'''Passive Effect:''' None.
'''Action:''' None.
'''Location:''' Found in the Clock Figure's Room.
'''Practical Uses:''' None.
Enter the Electronics World. Go right and up from the door. Interact with the hooded figure. Go up and enter the doorway. Go right to the clock figure. Interact with them so that the camera pans up to their face. You will then be given the effect.
===Ending 1===
Collect all of the effects. Wake up and interact with the door beside your bed. Go up and enter the house. Enter the door with the green sign on it. Interact with the sketchbook on the floor. After the screen change, go left and enter the door. Interact with the purple monster.
===Ending 2===
'''Note: This ending is exclusive to version 0.07.'''<br/>
Collect all of the effects. Enter the Forest World. Go directly left from the door and enter the house. Enter the door on the far right. Interact with the handle on the floor. Go straight down until you reach a large table and chairs. Go down a little bit and right from those. You should see large blue cat ears at the bottom of your screen
Go down to them and interact with the cat globe. Go left past the cat panorama which will take you to the Nursery Room. Go south-west and interact with the picture book. Use the '''Fruit Knife''' on the large mother. Go north and enter the house. Interact with the sleeping mother. Interact with the mother at the table.
Go back to sleep and go to the Nexus. Enter the yellow door that has appeared. Go up and enter the door with the sign on it. Sleep on the bed. When the screen changes, go left and enter the door. Interact with A.

The mother wakes from the table, but the house is now unsettling colors and infested with white worm-like creatures everywhere. Contrary to when you played Allan, the menu cannot be accessed at this time. The only option is to enter Allan's room, which has also become distorted. You'll find the boy where you left him off -- except he is now a Medusa-like monster with a brown tangled head covered in red eyes. The mother carries the paring knife from earlier, and interacting with the monster from the front will make her kill it. You hear Allan-monster's scream and the screen fades.

Latest revision as of 15:39, 20 December 2024

Complete effects guide for nostAlgic, as of version 0.07.

For up-to-date information concerning the latest version (Version 0.08), please see the dedicated nostAlgic Wiki.

Effects Guide

Camera (カメラ)


Appearance: A wears a camera around their neck.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: (Shift) A takes a picture, stopping the music and any background/NPC movement. This'll last as long as the effect's equipped.

Location: Found in the Pink Seabed.

Practical Uses: Used to stop NPCs movement.

Enter the Forest World. Head north and enter the triangle glass doors. Go right and interact with the light blue archway to reach the Pink Seabed. Go down until you are stopped by some pink seaweed. Go left and you will find the effect between some blue pillars.

Zero Gravity (無重力)


Appearance: A floats off the ground.

Passive Effect: Allows A to explore previously unreachable areas.

Action: None.

Location: Found in the Shooting Star World.

Practical Uses: Allows you to reach previously inaccessible areas.

Enter the Sugar Sea World, head northeast and sit on the bench. When you get to the bus area, head north to the bus and board it. The background of the bus must be pink to get to the Shooting Star World. Wander up to the star suspended on marionette strings and interact with it to get the effect.


Enter the Pathway World. Go down from the door until you reach a second light blue tree that has a branch that stretches out above you and over the path. Go left from that branch, going through a green tree and interact with the present. Interact with the lamp inside so the sky turns blue and then leave.

This will take you to the Shooting Star World. Go left and then up a narrow bridge. You should see a star suspended by marionette strings. Interacting with it will give you the effect.

Fruit Knife (フルーツナイフ)


Appearance: A holds a fruit knife.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: (Z) When interacting with a NPC, A will attack them with the knife.

Location: Found in the transformed Sugar Sea World.

Practical Uses: Used to attack NPCs.

In the Sugar Sea World, go up from the door until you reach a lemon slice. Go left past it and go up when another lemon slice is visible at the center of the bottom of your screen. Go up past an angular lemon slice and interact with the fat bleeding candy cane to transform the world, go back to the door and interact with the red flat peppermint on the ground near it.

Carnation (カーネーション)


Appearance: A's head becomes a carnation flower.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: (Shift) A jumps and warps back to the Nexus.

Location: Found in the Scratched Card World.

Practical Uses: Used to quickly return to the Nexus.

Enter the Forest World, head north and enter the glass triangle doors. Go right and interact with the light blue gate to reach the Pink Seabed. Go down until you're stopped by some pink seaweed. Go left to reach some green-blue towers. Enter the one that has a doorway in it. Go up past the sunflower panorama.

In the Solitaire World, go south-west and interact with the joker with the lizard tail. In the Screen World, go down and bear right until you reach an exit. Go up from the exit and left a bit. Interact with the book with holes in it. Turn back and you will be in a new area with several chasers. Go south-east to an area with green grass and a carnation circled by butterflies. Interact with the carnation.

Comet (ホウキ星)


Appearance: A rides on a bright comet.

Passive Effect: A's movement speed increases.

Action: None.

Location: Found in the Forest World.

Practical Uses: Used to travel through the dream world faster and out-speed chasers.

Enter the Forest World. Go south-east from the door and interact with a brightly colored NPC.

Receiver (受信機)


Appearance: A's head is replaced by a radio receiver.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: (Shift) The receiver turns on, allowing A to hear radio signals.

Location: Found in the Electronics World.

Practical Uses: None.

Enter the Electronics World. Go straight up from the door and interact with the gold radio tower.

Tree (木)


Appearance: A's head becomes a tree.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: None.

Location: Found in the Mirror Hallway.

Practical Uses: Used to stop NPCs movement.

Enter the Sugar Sea World. Go south from the door until you're stopped by a large slice of lemon. Go right until a another slice of lemon appears from the screen below you. Go up and there will be a slice of lemon placed upwards at an odd angle. Go right from that and you should reach the Bus Stop. Sit on the bench.

Walk past the windmill panorama. In the Bus Area, go north and enter the bus. In order for you to reach the Bed World, the background must be a dark blue. Leave the bus and go right until you see two large green plants. Go between them and you will be teleported to the mirror room. Walk down the hallway and interact with the semi-transparent sprite of A.

Ribbon (リボン)


Appearance: A wears a their hair in a ponytail with a mint green ribbon.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: None.

Location: Found in the mannequin room in Treats World.

Practical Uses: None.

Go to the Sugar Sea World and head northeast to the bench. When you get to the bus area, head north to the bus and board it. The background must be pink to get to the Shooting Star World. Find the large clock tower and go inside. Climb up the ladder and go to the top room.

Interact with the girl wandering in the room to reach the Treats World. Keep track of where you are and interact with/eat all the candy. Enter the now open jar between two ants. Go up and interact with the mannequin head with a blonde wig.

Fork (フォーク)


Appearance: A's head becomes a fork.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: None.

Location: Found in the Nursery Room.

Practical Uses: None.

Enter the Forest World. Go directly left from the door and enter the house. Enter the door on the far right. Interact with the handle on the floor. Go straight down until you reach a large table and chairs. Go down a little bit and right from those. You should see large blue cat ears at the bottom of your screen.

Go down to them and interact with the cat globe.Go left past the cat panorama which will take you to the Nursery Room. Go down until you see a fork among some plates of food to your left. Interact with the fork.

Fry Pan (フライパン)


Appearance: A holds a blue frying pan.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: (Z) When interacting with certain NPCs/objects, A will hit them with the pan, making stars appear.

Location: Found in the Egg World.

Practical Uses: None.

Enter the Forest World and head left to find the blue house. Head inside and enter the far door, then interact with the large blue handle of sorts. Head northeast to the pink and blue door and walk through the cat panorama to reach the Nursery Room. Find the egg and interact to get transported to Egg World. Head north-east until you see a broken egg with a blue object inside; interact with it to get the effect.

Unicorn (ユニコーン)


Appearance: A's colour scheme becomes pastel blue and they gain ears and a tail, as well as a unicorn's horn.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: Mone.

Location: Found in the Shooting Star World.

Practical Uses: None.

(Zero Gravity effect is needed)

Enter the Pathway World. Go south-west and enter the present box. Turn on the lamp so the sky turns blue and turn back. You will now be in Shooting Star World. Go left and down to where there is a blue star in the ground near a huge clock. Equip the Zero Gravity effect so you can fly over the land. Go left until you see a unicorn beneath you. Interact with it to get the effect.


Go to the Sugar Sea World. Go north-east and sit on the bench. In the bus area go straight up and enter the bus. The background must be pink to reach Shooting Star World. Go left and down to where there is a blue star in front of a huge clock. Equip the Zero Gravity effect and go left past it. You should eventually see a unicorn below you. Go down and interact with it and get the effect.

Pillow and Nightcap (枕とナイトキャップ)


Appearance: A wears a pink nightcap and holds onto a pink pillow.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: None.

Location: Found in the Sleeping Field.

Practical Uses: None.

Enter the Sugar Sea World. Go north-east and sit on the bench. In the bus area, go straight up and enter the bus. To reach the bed world, the background must be dark blue. Leave the bus. Go right a bit and then up to reach two rows of beds.

Flick the lamp so that the sheets of the top bed on the second row have been turned back. Enter the bed and wait for the screen to darken. In the new area, go left and interact with the sleeping tree.

Clock Hand (時計の針)


Appearance: A's body is covered with clock hands.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: None.

Location: Found in the Clock Figure's Room.

Practical Uses: None.

Enter the Electronics World. Go right and up from the door. Interact with the hooded figure. Go up and enter the doorway. Go right to the clock figure. Interact with them so that the camera pans up to their face. You will then be given the effect.


Ending 1

Collect all of the effects. Wake up and interact with the door beside your bed. Go up and enter the house. Enter the door with the green sign on it. Interact with the sketchbook on the floor. After the screen change, go left and enter the door. Interact with the purple monster.

Ending 2

Note: This ending is exclusive to version 0.07.
Collect all of the effects. Enter the Forest World. Go directly left from the door and enter the house. Enter the door on the far right. Interact with the handle on the floor. Go straight down until you reach a large table and chairs. Go down a little bit and right from those. You should see large blue cat ears at the bottom of your screen

Go down to them and interact with the cat globe. Go left past the cat panorama which will take you to the Nursery Room. Go south-west and interact with the picture book. Use the Fruit Knife on the large mother. Go north and enter the house. Interact with the sleeping mother. Interact with the mother at the table.

Go back to sleep and go to the Nexus. Enter the yellow door that has appeared. Go up and enter the door with the sign on it. Sleep on the bed. When the screen changes, go left and enter the door. Interact with A.