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Yume Nikki Fangames Wiki

Hallucigenia (ハルキゲニア)/tour: Difference between revisions

No edit summary
(reduced the amount of screenshots, added a "older versions" section.)
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{{Gamepage v2}}
{{Gamepage v2}}
==Gameplay Images==
==Gameplay Images - Aya's Part==
==='''Aya's part'''===
RobotPeople.png|Robots in a flooded forest
TentacleHead.png|Tentacle Head
WaywardKid.png|Toritsuki, the Wayward Kid. Not to be confused with [[Toritsuki]], the protagonist of [[Amnesia]].
TownofNoFaces.png|Town of the Faceless
Aya VisitingApartments2.png|Apartment of references
YellowMaze.png|Yellow Water World
DarkBuildings Hallu.png
MarginalWorkerDead.png|A dead Marginal Vivid Worker
MarginalWorkerDead.png|Weren't you in Urotsuki's dreams, too?
RoomofMats.png|Room of Fangames Reference Mats
DarkBuildings Hallu.png|Dark Buildings
InfrontofBigWindow.png|In front of the Big Window
AyaUponStage.png|Aya Upon Stage
FixuphairAya.png|Fix-up hair Aya
Stage Aya.png
RedXDoors.png|Red X Doors
GreenCorridor.png|Green Corridor
SomekindofHall.png|Hallucigenia windows hall
PrettyForest Aya.png|Flooded Forest
Throughthisholeorthatone.png|Through this hole or that one?
BlobbyHead.png|Blobby Head
PregnantGirl.png|Pregnant Girl
BoardedWalls.png|Boarded Walls
HeadWorld.png|Doll World
ThisDoesnotlooklikeatrain.png|This does not look like a train...
TraintoCircus.png|A train to the Circus
MadotsukiDoor.png|Madotsuki Door
HowmanyMatsarethere.png|How many mats are there?
Aya VisitingApartments2.png|Aya Visiting Apartments
Aya VisitingApartments3.png
Aya VisitingApartments.png
HandyDoorway.png|Handy Doorway
Aya AtApartment.png|Aya At the Apartment
WhichWaytoGo.png|Which way to go?
ClenchedHands.png|Clenched Hands
GreenSnakeThing.png|Green Snake Thing
RocksandBoulders.png|Rocks and Boulders
CoralHeadKid.png|Coral Head Kid
AyawithmoreNoFaces.png|Aya with more Faceless NPC
AyasScythe.png|Aya's Scythe
NPCofCoralArea.png|Chaser in the Dock
Whattheheckisthat.png|What the heck is that?
HillySettlement.png|Hilly Settlement
JapaneseShed.png|Japanese Shed
RamshackleHut.png|Ramshackle Hut
AyaManholeCover.png|Aya Manhole Cover
Train AndTracks.png|Train And Tracks
Aya WhiteHair.png|Aya White Hair
MarginalWorkerDead.png|Marginal Vivid Worker Dead
Aya Room Cell.png|Aya Room Cell
AyaandaSmallGirl.png|Aya and a Small Girl
PixeledFace.png|Pixeled Face
AlongDollsWay.png|A long Dolls Way
InaTentwithAya.png|In a Tent with Aya
AyaFacelessAine.png|Aya Faceless Aine
HalfaPerson.png|Half a Person
AyaCarnivalTent.png|Aya Carnival Tent
ThislooksFamiliar.png|This looks Familiar
AyaandMarginal.png|Aya and MVW
PebbledLandscape.png|Pebbled Landscape
AyaandPeople.png|Aya and People
AyaOnBed.png|Aya On Bed
RedMazeHallugeversion.png|Red Maze Hallucigenia version

== Gameplay Images - Aine's Part ==
==='''Aine's part'''===
[[File:Poniko's spirit successor-0.png|thumb|220x220px]]
[[File:Uboa's spirit successors.png|thumb|220x220px]]
Poniko's spirit successor-0.png
Uboa's spirit successors.png
==Color Aya NPCs (?)==
These items/effects are listed in the same order they are listed in the items list in the game.
If anyone knows what exactly these sprites represent, please write about it here or anywhere else on Hallucigenia's page.

==Older Gameplay Images==
RoomofMats.png|Older Reference room
RedAya.png|Red (あか)
RedAya.png|Red (あか)
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Non-effect sprites of Aya.
HalluNeff02.png|Short Haircut (ショートカット)
HalluNeff02.png|Short Haircut (ショートカット)

Revision as of 12:54, 8 January 2020

Game Walkthrough Gallery Theories

Gameplay Images

Aya's part

Aine's part

Older Gameplay Images

