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13 Page (13ペエジ)/guide

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Effects Guide - Akatsuki

Scales (てんびん)

Turn into scales.


Appearance: Akatsuki's arms turn into weighing scales.

Passive Effect: Akatsuki's movement speed decreases.

Action: (Shift) The scales move up and down.

Location: Found in the Judgement Passage.

Practical Uses: None.

Enter the top door to Cage World. Go north-west and enter the cage with an opening at its side to Water World. In Water World, go north-west and enter the stone doorway. In the Puppet People World, go right until you're standing on a small diamond then go up and interact with the yellow puppet with arms on either side of its head.

In the Rhombus Passage, go south and interact with another yellow puppet (avoid the chaser) to reach the Judgement Passage. Once there, go up then go left. Interact with the Scales NPC.

Bird (とり)

Transform into a bird.


Appearance: Akatsuki becomes a blue bird.

Passive Effect: Akatsuki's movement speed increases.

Action: (Shift) Akatsuki tweets.

Location: Found in the Bird Cage.

Practical Uses: Allows you to navigate the dream world faster and outspeed chasers.

Enter the top door to Cage World. Go south-east to five small cages arranged into a plus-sign shape and interact with the cage in the middle. In the Bird Cage area, go north-west and interact with the blue bird wandering around.

Sapling (なえぎ)

Become a sapling.


Appearance: Akatsuki becomes a walking sapling.

Passive Effect: Akatsuki can sneak past chasers.

Action: (Shift) Blood comes out of the tree.

Location: Found in the Secret Room.

Practical Uses: Allows you to avoid chasers.

Enter the left door to Flower Mural World. Go south and down the ladder to the Underground. Go right and enter the second doorway on the wall. Go up and enter the door to Plant World. In the Plant World, go down twice and right twice to a room filled with blood spatters and potted plants.

There should be an arrow pointing left at the upper-left corner of the room. Interact with the wall where that arrow is. Interact with the seedling on the ground.

Knife (はもの)

Hold a knife.


Appearance: Akatsuki wields a knife.

Passive Effect: NPCs will move away from Akatsuki.

Action: (Shift) Akatsuki swings the knife up and down (Z) When interacting with another character, Akatsuki will stab them, hurting/killing them.

Location: Found in the Cage World.

Practical Uses: Allows you to kill NPCs and activate certain events.

Enter the top door to Cage World. Go south-east to a large cage beside some bloodied bird cages. Interact with the knife underneath it.

Different Colors (いろちがい)

Change colors.


Appearance: Akatsuki's color scheme changes.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: (Shift) Akatsuki shakes her head.

Location: Found in the FC World.

Practical Uses: None.

Sleep in the bed in the Dream Bedroom repeatedly until you're teleported to the Lucid Dream. Go left and enter the door on the other end of the hallway. Make your way to the gray block and step on it to FC World. Go right and enter the castle. Make your way through the castle rooms. When you reach two different paths, enter the door on the right then the door on the left. Go left again through the Secret passage and interact with the NPC with an X.

Hair Ornament (かみかざり)

Wear a hair ornament


Appearance: Akatsuki wears a hair ornament in a side ponytail.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: (Shift) Akatsuki fiddles with the hair ornament.

Location: Found in the Flower Mural World.

Practical Uses: None.

Enter the left door to Flower Mural World. Go straight left and interact with the red flower NPC.

Bubbles (あわ)

Turn into bubbles


Appearance: Akatsuki becomes made of bubbles.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: (Shift) Akatsuki melts and then reappears in the Nexus.

Location: Found in the Graffiti World.

Practical Uses: Allows you to return to the Nexus quickly.

Enter the bottom door to Graffiti World. Go north-west and interact with the black and white tile in the center of the plus-shaped pattern.

Swim Ring (うきわ)

Put on a swim ring


Appearance: Akatsuki wears a swim ring.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: (Shift) Akatsuki floats in midair.

Location: Found in Water World B.

Practical Uses: None.

Enter the top door to Cage World. Go north-west and enter the cage with an opening in the side to Water World. Go north-west and between two symmetrical rows of seaweed to Water World B. Go right and interact with the swim ring.

Torch (たいまつ)

Hold a torch.


Appearance: Akatsuki carries a torch.

Passive Effect: Lights up dark areas.

Action: (Shift) Akatsuki holds the torch higher for a second.

Location: Found in the Underground.

Practical Uses: Allows you to navigate through dark areas.

Enter the left door to Flower Mural World. Go south and down the ladder to the Underground. Go straight right until you reach a dead-end. Interact with the torch on the ground.

Ghost (おばけ)

Become a ghost.


Appearance: Akatsuki becomes a ghost.

Passive Effect: May cause some NPCs to change in appearance.

Action: (Shift) .

Location: Found in the Teru Teru Bozu World.

Practical Uses: Allows you to kill NPCs and activate certain events.

Enter the bottom door to Graffiti World. Go north-east and enter the white double doors. In Monochrome World, go north-west and find a pyramid fenced in by some walls. Go inside then between the two arms. In the Teru Teru Bozu World, go up, take the first left then go up again. Interact with the one-eyed ghost.

Beheaded (うちくび)

Be beheaded.


Appearance: Akatsuki is beheaded.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: (Shift) Akatsuki rolls her head.

Location: Found in the Dark Stairways.

Practical Uses: None.

(Torch effect is needed.) Enter the bottom door to Graffiti World. Go north-east and enter the white double doors. In Monochrome World, go north-west and find a pyramid fenced in by some walls. Go inside then between the two arms. In the Teru Teru Bozu World, go up, left, up again, left again, down and right. Go off the edge of the broken path to the Judgement Passage. Go up and then right. In the Dark Stairways, find and interact with the headless NPC.

Braid (みつあみ)

Put your hair in a braid.


Appearance: Akatsuki's hair is braided.

Passive Effect: There's a random chance of Akatsuki having pigtails when this effect is equipped.

Action: None.

Location: Found in the Tower.

Practical Uses: None.

Enter the left door to Flower Mural World. Go north-west and go between the two green flowers to the Chaser Place. Interact with the moving pink block to the Tower (avoid the chaser). Go to the top and interact with the blonde girl.

Patchwork (つぎはぎ)

Wear your patchwork clothes.


Appearance: Akatsuki wears patchwork clothes.

Passive Effect: None.

Action: None.

Location: Found in the Teleport Maze.

Practical Uses: None.

Enter the door on the right to the Chaser Hall. Go right until you hit another vertical wall, then go down and enter the first room on your left. Go left and interact with the diamond. to the Teleport Maze. When there's more than two teleporters, choose: Left, Bottom-Right, Top-Left. Interact with the Dress Stand.

Unlocking Hanatsuki

To unlock Hanatsuki as a playable character, you must collect all 13 effects then go to the Rainy Dense Woods. To get there, enter the left door to the Flower Mural World, go south and down the ladder to the Underground. Go right and enter the second doorway you find. Go up and enter the door to the Plant World.

In the Plant World, go left once and down three times. You should reach a room with a hole in the middle that'll bring you to the Rainy Dense Woods when stepped on. In the Rainy Dense Woods, find and interact with the purple flower on the puddle of blood. When you wake up a flower vase will now be in Akatsuki's room. Interacting with the vase will allow you to switch characters.

Events Guide - Akatsuki

Chaser Hall

There has a room that has 13 papers post on the wall in Chaser Hall which show an X each time you be caught by chasers, you can only enter the room when you having the Knife effect, after you be caught for over 13 times the room will grow a big red flower on the center and interact with it will shake the screen.

Monochrome sisters in the room

Monochrome Sisters

There have 2 monochrome girls living in the Monochrome World. Sometime they will in a pyramid looking each other together, and kill one of them will make 2 of them combine into one and trap you into a path way where has a girl on the background, go along the path way will make the girl on the background has a bloody smile, then the screen will turns red and you will be forced to wake-up.

Ghost in the Teru Teru Bozu World

The ghost which gives you Ghost effect will react to certain effects. Equipping the Ghost effect will change its appearance to match Akatsuki. Equipping the Knife effect will make it invisible except for its eye, becoming unkillable. Equipping the Scales effect will make it disappear, allowing you to go past.


Interact with the sword to the Dark Stairways then go back, there will have a judgement scene when you interact on the top.

Fire Fish

There has a Fire Fish in the Underground. Equipping the Torch effect will make its movement faster.

Sea Creature

Go into the door on the left in the Underground that has a sea creature at the end. Interacting with it lots of times will eventually send you to a dark cave with many weird creatures. Go to the bottom exit to the Small Garden, there will be a witch that's afraid of the knife.

Water World B

Go between the plants in Water World A will bring you to Water World B, there is a plant gate that leads you to a flooded hallway. Interacting with the holes on the wall will have a full screen illustration of green plants and make the screen have the plant border. Entering another plant gate leads you to an area with a long haired girl that carries a scythe. Equipping the Ghost and/or Beheaded effects will make her scythe disappear.

Full Screen Animation

Go from the Teleport Maze to the Wilderness, there has a block with a window. Interacting with it will play a full screen animation of the parallax background in Cage World, as a reference to the Aztec Rave Monkey Event in Yume Nikki.

Flight Event

Go into the small gate in the Wilderness to a weird statue, interact with it once then exit the door will lead you to the Abandoned City. Enter a building that has an elevator which can take you to the top of the building, then interact with the edge when you equipping the Bird effect will start the Flight Event.

Hanatsuki in Lucid Dream

Sleep in the bed of the Dream Bedroom repeatedly. There's a chance you'll enter the lucid dream. Enter the door on the center to Hanatsuki's room. If you leave the room immediately you will be sent to Rainy Dense Woods. Interacting with Hanatsuki using the Knife effect will cause an event. Interacting with her again will force Akatsuki to wake-up. If you've dropped all of Hanatsuki's effect, she will not appear in the dream.

Endings Guide - Akatsuki

Ending 1

Drop all 13 effect in the Notebook and go out to the real balcony.

Ending 2

[Drop all Akatsuki and Hanatsuki's effects, all 8 doors will appear in both nexus, and the NPCs in the dream world will all vanish. Go to the Rainy Dense Woods there will have the arrows that point you to the puddle of blood, there will have a door that leads you to a place where Akatsuki or Hanatsuki is waiting for you (depends which character you are using), interact with her will be forced to wake-up, then interact with the door in Akatsuki's room will lead you to the ending].

Effects Guide - Hanatsuki

Adult / Older

Door on the bottom right → Snow World → Flower Door → Flowery World → interact with the withered flower → Dark Flowery World → interact with the mirror in normal form.


Door on the bottom right → Snow World → Flower Door → Photo Gallery → interact with the paper that floating.

Snow Bunny

Door on the bottom right → Snow World → interact with the snow bunny.


Door on the bottom left → Water Drop World → Green Sea → Crystal Cave → Brick Room → interact the brick near the entrance.


Door on the upper left → Garden World → Castle → Blue Sky Maze → Neon Brick Path → Sand World → interact with the hourglass.

or Door on the bottom left → Water Drop World → interact with the fishes by using Fish effect → Sand World → interact with the hourglass.

Dandelion Fluff

Door on the upper left → Garden World → interact with the yellow flower.


Door on the upper left → Garden World → Castle → Painting World → interact with the blue hair girl.


Door on the upper right → Neon World → interact with the radio tower.


Door on the upper left → Garden World → Castle → Withered Flower World → interact with the woman who wear white dress.


Door on the upper right → Neon World → Butterfly World → Geometry World → interact with a geometry man symbol with a bulls eye.


Door on the upper right → Neon World → Luna Maze → Water Tank World → interact with the fish in a glass water tank.

Events - Hanatsuki

Royal Family

There has a Royal Family in the Castle. Equipping the Mask effect will make their faces turn dark.

Blue Hair Girl

Equipping the Brick effect will cover the Blue Hair Girl who gives you the Simple effect in bloodstains. Using the Hourglass effect will make her turn monochrome.

House in Green Sea

There is a boy living in the wooden house in Green Sea. Using Hourglass effect will make him turn into grayscale. Equipping Fish effect and interact with him will make his room flooded with water, interacting the flower on the center will start a full screen event.

Girl in Luna Maze

There has a girl living in a blocked area in Luna Maze. Using the Hourglass effect will make her turn grayscale. Equipping the Mask effect will change her into a Tennyo.

Mirror in Dark Flowery World

The mirror in the Dark Flowery World will give you the Adult effect when you are in normal form. It will have the reflection of Hanatsuki in all effects except when you equipping Adult effect that shows her face dark. Using Brick effect can break the mirror.

Clock Pathway

Interacting with a broken glass tank in Water Tank World will lead you to a place that has a pathway to a clock, there has two water ball at the end bothside of the pathway, use Brick effect to interact with them will cause the screen stick with dewdrops. Interacting with the clock in the center room with normal form a few times will send you back to the balcony.

Sea Creature

Enter the graffiti cave in the Painting World leads you to a place that similar with the Dark Cave in Akatsuki's dream, there has the same sea creature on the water, interact with it while you have a 100 yen will make its eyes open, and a blue flower glow appears on Hanatsuki's head.

Akatsuki in Dream

Sleep on the bed repeatedly, thers's a random chance you will enter the dream. There you'll see Akatsuki standing in the room. If you leave the room now you will be sent to Rainy Dense Woods. Interacting with Akatsuki lots of times will cause an event, leaving the room afterwards will send you to the Abandoned City. Go into the door that has blood around it and go down the stairway to see Akatsuki leaving from a opposite pathway. If you dropped all of Akatsuki's effects, she will not appear in the dream.

Endings Guide - Hanatsuki

Ending 1

[After you got all 11 effects, a bunch of flowers appear on the balcony and a paper appears on the puddle of blood in the Rainy Dense Woods, collect them and return to the balcony to drop the effects, then interact with the door on the left in Hanatsuki's room].

Ending 2

[Drop all Akatsuki and Hanatsuki's effects, all 8 doors will appear in both nexus, and the NPCs in the dream world will all vanish. Go to the Rainy Dense Woods there will have the arrows that point you to the puddle of blood, there will have a door that leads you to a place where Akatsuki or Hanatsuki is waiting for you (depends which character you are using), interact with her will be forced to wake-up, then go to Hanatsuki's balcony there will have a shining dot appear, interact with it will lead you to the ending].