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Revision as of 21:35, 13 March 2015 by >WavyUp
Witoru/Neta Dream ver.R.4F Title Screen
Latest Version



Atteiu (あっていう)





Release Date

[[Category:Released in Error: Invalid time.]]"Around 2009-2010" contains a sequence that could not be interpreted against an available match matrix for date components. [[:Category:Released in Error: Invalid time.| Error: Invalid time.]]


Yon Goh/No. 4 (4号) Yon Goh/No. 4 (4号)

Nexus Doors

15+2 'Under Construction'


22+1'normal' effect


3(main)+1(Bad end)+1(Bad end,unused)+2('Witoru end?' ending)


Witoru/Neta Dream (うぃとる) is a Yume Nikki fangame made by Ghost Mage / D.S.Sorcerer (亡霊魔導師) aka Atteiu (あっていう) in 2009~2010. It stars Yon Goh/No. 4 (4号) and seems to be a parody of other Yume Nikki Fangames. It is the first fangame to have a male protagonist and the first to feature dialogue.


Witoru/Neta Dream is slightly different than most fangames but it still heavily focuses on exploration and collecting effects, and it contains puzzles and battles. In addition, there is an option to buy many items. Most of them are consumables that increase stats, though there are also items which are essential for progressing.

In 0.4D(++) version, pressing the SHIFT key brings up a menu where you can save where you are in the dream, go to the debug room, or view some more text. There are some areas which cannot be reached due to them being marked as "Under Construction". As of version R.4F, there are multiple endings, and some areas get accessible after watching some of the endings. There are many unfinished/inaccessible areas, although BGMs and chipsets are exist. Creator set a specific switch which cannot control in-game so player can't go these areas.


Effect Image Description
Normal (Nomal) YonGohSprite.png Yon Goh without any effects equipped.
Mineral Water WitoEff03.png Yon Goh's skin color becomes light blue, he wears aqua/cyan-colored clothes. He becomes semi transparent as well.
Drum WitoEff15.png Yon Goh becomes a drum, press Shift to make various sounds. (Up:Base, Down:Snare drum, Right:Hi-hat, Left: Cymbals) You can acquire various drum sounds items to change their sound. Drum sounds items can be changed both in real world and dream world.

There are four different drum sounds:

  • Fami (Famicom (NES))
  • Retro
  • Normal
  • Atteiu (a.k.a. Atteiu Original)

You have to buy those sounds in a store.

There are some unused drum sounds in this game.

  • Synthesizer
  • ???
  • Origin 2
  • Origin 3
Pure White WitoEff02.png

All of Yon Goh's body and clothes become pale white. Press Shift key to turn on "Pure White mode" for two seconds. In this mode, you can pass through specific walls, stop some of the chasers, and enable 'Forced-Loop-Trap-Proof' function. This effect can be used to open certain walls. You can enable Digital mode at the same time.

Jet-N (Disabled) / Jet (Upgraded) WitoEff17.png

Yon Goh wears a grey jetpack that increases his speed. If you upgrade your Jet effect by battery-J, you can equip it. Press Shift key to boost slightly(one block). In 0.4D++ version, this effect has its own level: 1,2,3,4,Z. Jet-N doesn't count as an effect, so you have to upgrade it.

Sword WitoEff07.png Yon Goh wields a Katana. You can use it kill some NPCs and break certain walls. However, Most of NPCs cannot be killed by this effect.
Atteiu Fox WitoEff09.png Yon Goh becomes a minimalistic black and white fox that increases his speed.
Digital WitoEff11.png Yon Goh is drawn in a green and black digital style. Press Shift to turn on "Digital mode". In this mode, you can see some hidden entrances and hidden messages for one minute. You have to buy battery-D to use "Digital mode". And you can switch different effect with digital mode. This effect can be used to open certain walls. This effect can light up dark places. You can enable Pure White mode at the same time.

(Note: This effect is essential when you get Petrification effect and various hidden items in R.4F version.)

Luminescence Function WitoEff18.png Yon Goh becomes illuminated with a glowing neon-like aura. This effect can light up dark places. Press Shift to toggle Yon Goh's colors.
Side Walk (Movement Bug) WitoEff19.png Yon Goh's walking directions become scrambled.
Squid WitoEff10.png Yon Goh becomes a floating white squid. His speed increases to the level of similar looking squid NPCs. You can unlock a specific area with this effect.
Octopus WitoEff06.png Yon Goh becomes a red octopus. His speed increases to the level of similar looking octopus NPCs.

(Note: In 0.4D version, This effect must be obtained (and equipped) when going to get the Petrification effect.)

Disappearance (v0.4D++) / Vanish (vR.4F) WitoEff01.png Yon Goh wears light blue clothes. As of version 0.4D, pressing Shift turns him into a transparent blue outline of himself. As of version R.4F, pressing Shift makes him invisible. Chasers can't recognize you while effect is used, but you might get caught by accident.
Ver.0.00 WitoEff08.png Yon Goh becomes his old sprite in earlier versions of Witoru/Neta Dream, and his walking sound mutes.
Gameboy-N(Disabled)/Gameboy WitoEff04.png Yon Goh becomes the restricted colors of a Gameboy - grey and white or green and yellow. Press Shift key to toggle his colors. This effect can be used to open certain walls, but you need to match effect's color with walls to open.
Escape Device N/A Yon Goh returns to the Nexus. This effect doesn't change Yon Goh's appearance, it also does not disable any other effects in use.
Music Player-N(Disabled)/Music Player WitoEff13.png Yon Goh holds his light blue music player. Press Shift to listen to some sounds. Sounds are randomly chosen.
Tatami Shield WitoEff16.png Yon Goh holds a tatami mat as a shield, though it can't protect him from enemies.
Petrification (Petrifaction) WitoEff14.png Yon Goh is petrified like a "statue". His movement becomes significantly slower than at his normal state.

In version 0.4D, Octopus effect is needed to acquire this effect. In version R.4F, you have to turn on 'Digital mode' to get this effect.

Sand Storm WitoEff05.png Yon Goh is in a white noise state similar to that of an old TV. Press Shift to make white noise appear on the screen. Press Shift again to make it disappear.
Freezing WitoEff20.png Yon Goh becomes frozen. He moves slower than normal, but slightly faster than Petrification effect. You have to turn on 'Digital mode' to get this effect.
Smoke Pollution WitoEff12.png Yon Goh becomes monochrome and has an abstract, distorted form.
Japanese Mask/OHMAN!(OMEN) WitoEff21.png Yon Goh wears a Japanese Mask. Press Shift to toggle mask types. You have to fulfill some conditions to get this effect. Some of masks have own functions like boosting his speed.

Unused Effects

Note that all of unused effect don't have own script.

Effects Image Description
Hand Drill
Witoru Unused Effect01.png
Witoru Unused Effect02.png
Yon Goh's hand becomes drill.
Atteiu Fox - Eyes Closed
Witoru Unused Effect03.png

Old Effects with unused Effects

Old effects and unused effects.

Items , stats, etc.

Check 'Walkthrough' article for more information.

Download/External Links

Version R.4F (Japanese)


Important: If you don't patch the game with this file, you won't be able to progress further in a specific area.

Official Website (Old link. You can download 0.4D++ version only)

Another Official Website

Version R.4F (Korean) (1.01)

RPG Maker 2003 version. Some areas are different, and new features have implemented.

Patch (1.01 -> 1.01++)

Some features are removed(also implemented) and some bugs and typos are fixed. 1.01 version is needed.

Gameplay Video (Version 0.77)

File:Yume Nikki Fangames- ういとる(Neta Dream)
Gameplay Video of Witoru/Neta Dream (Version 0.77)


In earlier development, this game's name was 'つぃとる'.

'R.4F' means 'Round.79', so the actual version of this game is 0.79. '0.4D' means '0.77', as well. (16X4+F(15)=79,16X4+D(13)=77)