Revision as of 20:32, 25 June 2015 by Nexrob010 (talk | contribs)(diff) ← Older revision | Latest revision (diff) | Newer revision → (diff)Fangames released in the year 2013. Total games released this year: 35 Pages in category "Released in 2013" The following 44 pages are in this category, out of 44 total. . .ExE1 13 Page (13ペエジ)A APPLEC CandyRain ComaD Dream Sequences Dream vs Dream DRYE E Nikki (えにっき) Egnaro Empty Eret Link (エレトリンク)F FriendlyH Himi NikkiI Iter ItinerisK Kyoku YumeL LonelyM Mikan Muzou (未完夢像) Mimi Muma Rope (Muma│Rope)N Negaigoto (ねがいごと) Nightmare CastleO ONASUP Permafrost Physicality (フィジカリティ)R Reap and Sow Remegeton (レメゲトン) RepentanceS Safety: Life Is A Maze Sewage Sity Soul SongT The Door Of Thoughts TRIALU Unable Uotamuosu (ウオタムオス) UsagiY You May Yume Aruki (ゆめあるき) Yume Gatari (夢語り) Yume Iro (ゆめいろ) Yume Nichiroku (夢日録) Yume Nikki 3d Yume Smashi Category: Fangames