Revision as of 13:00, 4 April 2017 by >JustSimon
Gameplay Images - Aya's Part
Robots in a flooded forest
Toritsuki, the Wayward Kid. Not to be confused with Toritsuki, the protagonist of Amnesia.
A dead Marginal Vivid Worker
Room of Fangames Reference Mats
In front of the Big Window
Hallucigenia windows hall
Through this hole or that one?
This does not look like a train...
Aya with more Faceless NPC
Marginal Vivid Worker Dead
Red Maze Hallucigenia version
Gameplay Images - Aine's Part
Color Aya NPCs (?)
These items/effects are listed in the same order they are listed in the items list in the game.
If anyone knows what exactly these sprites represent, please write about it here or anywhere else on Hallucigenia's page.
Non-effect sprites of Aya.