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Overdrive (オーバードライブ)/guide

Revision as of 04:43, 2 June 2019 by >JustSimon (→‎Events)
Game Walkthrough Gallery Theories

323's Concept Guide

Roller Skates (ローラースケート)

(You must have the weapon effects)

Kill the NPCs to earn 1000 G → go to the Town → Shoes Shop → interact with the shop keeper then interact with the present.

Laser Gun (レザーガン)

Go to the Aquarium World → enter the Purple Gate → Purple World → interact with the white floating stone.

Maid (メイド)

Go to the Ghostly World → enter the White Gate → Moss Passage → left, right, right, center, center, center, left, right → Brickwall World → Blue Door → Mansion → 2nd floor 4th door → interact with the stand with maid dress.

Detective (ディテクティブ)

Go to the Ghostly World → enter the White Gate → Moss Passage → left, right, right, center, center, center, left, right → Brickwall World → interact with the shadow behind one of the brickwalls.

Spear (スピア)

Go to the Snow World → interact with the red flower → Forest World → go up 3 rows and find a house → Doctor's Room → interact with the spear.

Crescent (クレッセント)

Go to the Aquarium World → enter the Orange Gate → Cosmos World → top, right ,right, bottom → interact with the crescent moon.

Saxophone (サックス)

Go to the Town → School → 2nd floor center door → interact with the saxophone.

Heart (ハート)

Go to the Town → School → 3rd floor right door → interact with the Hell Block → Yellow Hell → enter the Building entrance → Laboratory Entrance → Laboratory Hallway → find the papers with number in the rooms → go to the bottom exit → enter the password (Hint: the shapes of the papers) → interact with the heart in the capsule.

Cyber (サイバー)

Go to the Town → School → 3rd floor right door → interact with the Hell Block → Yellow Hell → enter the Building entrance → Laboratory Entrance → Laboratory Hallway → room on bottom left → interact with the monitor → Cyber World → interact with the flashing block.

Robot (ロボット)

Go to the Ghostly World → interact with the gray gear → Gear World → enter the building → enter the door on the left → interact with the robot.

Paper (ペーパー)

Go to the Snow World → step on the small lake → Under Water → walk between the white statues → enter the entrance on the left → interact with the glass bottle on the left.

Robin (ロビン)

Go to the Snow World → interact with the red flower → Forest World → go down 2 rows and interact with the withered tree → Withered Tree World → interact with the robin.

Shadow (シャドウ)

Go to the Aquarium World → enter the Orange Gate → Cosmos World → top, bottom → interact with the black star → Chromatic World → climb down the hole → Red Cord World → wait until the place change → interact with the shadows that sit on the bench.


323's Clone

Follow Robot Effect Guide and inside the building enter the east door and interact with 323's clone to trigger event.

Painful Memories

Follow Cyber Effect Guide to the Laboratory of Hallway, in one of bottom doors will be capsule just like in 323's room, use it and you will be transported in another hallway/big room, to trigger event go north and interact with a big screen.

Memorable Place

Follow Cyber Effect Guide to the Yellow Hell, navigate your way to Streetlight, interact with it to enter in memorable for 323 place, if you interact with end of bridge/fence you can see nice scenery but also there is two characters which can be seen only while using Detective Effect.

A Doc is home?

Follow Spear Effect Guide to the Doctor's room, it seems that house is empty but if you will use Detective Effect on you can find Doctor.

Full screen Event

Follow Cyber Effect Guide to the Laboratory of Hallway, in one of bottom doors will be PC with a red screen, if you interact with it you will see full screen event like Aztec Rave Monkey from original Yume Nikki.

Evil Witch

Go to the Snow World → interact with the red flower → Forest World → go down 2 rows and interact with the withered tree → Withered Tree World, find there a little house and enter inside, if you interact with witch without weapon effects she will turn 323 into the cake.

Cosmo The Flower Girl

Go to the Aquarium World → enter the Orange Gate → Cosmos World, using stars teleporters navigate your way to the coast with a pink flower, if you use Detective Effect flower will reveal a true form.

323's Endings Guide

After collected all concepts, the cage on the bottom of nexus will appear a glow that leads you to the Concept Room, drop all the concepts to the monitor.


  1. Don't close the server located in the building of Gear World.
  2. Leave the room and go through the way to the exit.


  1. Close the server located in the building of Gear World.
  2. Leave the room and go through the way to the exit.


  1. Close the server located in the building of Gear World.
  2. Follow the Paper concept's guide then enter the entrance near the bottle to the Angel Place, use weapon to attack the angel for 5 times then interact the center to obtain the box key (if you have Detective effect you can find the hint).
  3. Back to the room and interact with the box beside the capsule to obtain the secret key.
  4. Leave the room and use it to the locked door then interact with the UFO.

Unlock 543

[Go to Cosmos World → top, bottom → interact with the black star → Chromatic World → enter the block entrance → Hospital → go to the right hallway → last room → interact the center to obtain the key (if you have Detective effect you can find the hint) → go to the left hallway → go to the end → enter the room → interact with 543.]

After that, 323's room will appear a present box, interact with it will switch to play as 543.

543's Concept Guide

Sheath Knife (シースナイフ)

Sleep on the dream bed repeatedly → Lucid Dream → interact with the sheath knife on the floor.

Pigeon (ピジョン)

Go to the Flower Field → interact with the red flower → Forest World → go along the same row and find the pigeon.

Doctor (ドクター)

Go to the Purple Bridge World → enter the purple entrance → Sky World → interact with green puddle → Green Passageway → interact with the Hell Block → Blue Hell → enter the Building Entrance → Hospital → go to the right hallway → first room → interact with the shadow NPC that wears doctor coat.

Virus (ウイルス)

Go to the Purple Bridge World → enter the purple entrance → Sky World → interact with green puddle → Green Passageway → interact with the Hell Block → Blue Hell → enter the Building Entrance → Hospital → go to the right hallway → second room → interact with the monitor → Cyber World → interact with the purple color virus.

Margaret (マーガレット)

Go to the Flower Field → go between the flowers → interact with the white flower.

Dustbox (ダストボックス)

Go to the Purple Bridge World → enter the brown entrance → Town → interact with the rubbish bin.

Handgun (ハンドガン)

(You must have the weapon effect)

Kill the NPCs to earn 1500 G → go to the Purple Bridge World → enter the brown entrance → Town → enter the building → interact with the shadow that wears sunglasses.

Helicopter (ヘリコプター)

(You must have the Pigeon concept)

Go to the Purple Bridge World → enter the brown entrance → Town → enter the building → go left to the staircases → go to the top of the Rooftop → equip Pigeon concept and fly over the fence to another rooftop → interact with the helicopter.

Cardigan (カーディガン)

Go to the Christmas World → go between the present boxes → Present World → enter the present with door → interact the cardigan on the stand.

Skeleton (スケルトン)

Go to the Red Star World → interact with the heart → Construction World → interact with the white sketched stick man.

Light (ライト)

Go to the Red Star World → interact with the heart → Construction World → interact with the white snowflake → Bloodstained World → interact with 323's shadow.

Hoop (フープ)

(You must have the Light concept)

Go to the Christmas World → enter the gate behind a christmas tree → Dark Amusement Park → equip Light concept and press SHIFT → interact with the bear NPC that holding balloon → Under Water → enter a stone gate → interact with the yellow snake at the end.

Clarinet (クラリネット)

Go to the Purple Bridge World → enter the purple entrance → Sky World → interact with the green NPC → Tree World → interact with the clarinet under the big tree.


Memorable Place 

Sleep on the dream bed repeatedly until you find yourself in Lucid Dream but then sleep in bed again until you will be on the Bridge aka Memorable Place (just like in 323's part), go north and interact with 323 or Professor to trigger event.

Place of Lilies

Go to the Purple Bridge World → enter the purple entrance → Sky World → interact with green puddle in north-east → Green Passageway → interact with the Hell Block → Blue Hell → enter the Building Entrance → Hospital → go to the left hallway, go by downstaris and enter in hospital room in the end of way, sleep on the bad repeatedly until you will be in place of lilies, there is some girl NPC known as Suzuran surounded by lilies, but you can't interact with her. But, if you use Virus Effect and interact with of of lilies which suround her there will be a big changes. Also if you use Skeleton effect infront of bed there is appears 323, if you interact with her she give to 543 pat on a head.

Inverted Amusument Park (ver 0.03 only)

Go to the Christmas World, enter the gate behind a christmas tree, use light effect by special action (right or left shift) and walk to the bear with a balloon, use skeleton effect and interact with 323 and 543 which holding for a hands, you will be in a amusument park in inverted colors, bears here goes crazy and interaction with them lead to awakening.

Christmas Together

Go to the Christmas World, find there a house with a blue rooftop and interact with the door for a little event.

323 vs Professor

Go to the Flower Field, go north-west and interact with a red flower to go in the Forest, on the north find a little house, enter in it to see little event.

543's Endings Guide

After collected all concepts, interact with the butterfly in the Nexus will lead you to a green field with flowers that let you drop the concepts.


Drop all the concepts and leave the room.


Drop all the concepts and interact with the drawer in the room.


  1. After collected all concepts, sleep on the bed repeatedly into the Lucid Dream, go out of the room and enter the room with green light, equipping Skeleton concept will cause the doctor vanish, interact with 543 in the capsule will trigger an event.
  2. Achieve 323's ED3 and then save.
  3. After achieved both events, achieve 323's ED1 again and then save. (There will have some changes at the end)
  4. Drop all the concepts and leave the room.