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Somnium/guide/Daydreams 31-40

Revision as of 21:50, 2 April 2013 by >Isasapiens (Some more stuff.)

Daydream 31: Tall Gray World


It starts on a bridge to what appears to be a building, with various eyes passing around. Going up into the door will make the screen flash black, but nothing more happens.

In the building, there are several floors of grey ground against white wall. There is also furniture equally as gray,

Thomas at the Third Layer (by fall)

such as pictures, closets and chairs (though most of them are occupied by black stickfigures). The second floor has a TV, which houses the first layer memory. Another thing is that although the floors lead down, the next area shows a rooftop.

In said rooftop, there is a bridge, alongside the 2nd layer memory (a bunch of static) and the same stickfigure. Going into the bridge shows a next area, which has legs on a white background, a piece of floor with a sign, a bgm which contains gibberish, and going further right shows an alligator.

If the sign is interacted with, it will show a cutscene where Thomas falls onto the darkness. But do not worry, he actually falls near the area of the Third layer memory, which can be accessed from the crocodile head too, but the way is longer.

The world from the crocodile head is mostly dark, with techicolor holes and weird blue and red creatures which communicate through beeps. There are three symbols on the world: a white triangle formation (teleports back from the crocodile mouth), three rectangles (a corridor to the Third Layer memory), and a red triangle formation (a sunflower garden). In the Third layer memory area, the memory is seen walking around, with the same red and blue monsters, arranged in pairs, on the background.

In the Sunflower garden (4th layer) there isn't much to do except keep going foward and interact with the egg statue.

Layer links

1st layer to 2nd layer: Door

2nd layer to 3rd layer: Sign/Crocodile mouth

3rd layer to 4th layer: Red triangle formation


1st layer: Portrait

Description: A really nicely drawn portrait.

Location: Interact with the TV at the second floor at the building.

2nd layer: Glitch

Description: 124352135123532rewtrqewt13trqewtrwefdsfdsag

Location: On the rooftop.

3rd layer: Popon

Description: Dance!

Location: On the techinicolor area, after the hallway.

4th layer: Statue of Egg

Description: What is that message?

Location: On the Sunflower garden, at the end.


  • The writing on the 4th layer memory's event is in japanese. Translating it:

I'm an egg.

No, really, I'm an egg.

Were you expecting something useful this time? Idiot.
Filler: Nai (x72)

"The idyllic Sun holiday"

  • Said phrase in quotes at the end leads to this.
  • This is one of, if not the only daydream where there are more than a way to reach a certain area.
  • All of the monsters at the third layer have different beep patterns.
  • The Portrait memory reference the infamous Chocolate Pudding meme.

Daydream 32: The Desolate Laboratory


The area is a grey foggy place with gray mountain/formations on it. There is a smaller mount that eventually leads

Thomas at the laboratory.

to the 1st layer memory and a door that takes to a sepia-colored laboratory.

Said laboratory has a futuristic tone with it although it seems abandoned, with tubes and several rooms. The second room contains some computers, that if interacted, teleports to a computer room (which bgm is only a dull beep) with several discarded-looking computers.

The third room has the same rock formation seen in the first area that takes to the experiments room. In this room, it is dark, with various sepia pods showing up, most of them broken, or with what appears to be black goop on them. At the end, the pod having the 3rd layer memory is located.

If the door at the fourth, smaller room is opened, a very bizarre event will play, in which, the 4th layer memory is obtained.

Layer links

1st layer to 2nd layer: Computers

1st layer to 3rd layer: Stone formation

1st layer to 4th layer: Door


1st layer: Crash course

Description: You're lucky it didn't involve missiles.

Location: Interact with the smaller rock at south and left of the starting place, then go right and interact with the smaller pot.

2nd layer: SSOD

Description: It's like a BSOD, but brown-like.

Location: On the computer on a wall at the computer room.

3rd layer: Experiment

Description: It seems to be alone, the poor thing.

Location: On the pod at the end of the experiments room.

4th layer: Smile

Description: Hello smiley face! Hello smiley face!

Location: After the last door.


  • This is one of the few daydreams that has concept art (at right).
  • SSOD was based on BSOD. In fact the message says even to press X or Enter to exit the daydream.
  • The event that gives the 4th layer memory was made because, on a comment at a video describing one of Yume 2kki's events said that it couldn't be weirder than that.

Daydream 33: Pastel Mislead


The daydream begins with a grassy field with various trees, flowers and dirt roads while some piano keys plays.

The monster that gives the 4th layer memory.

Going south shows a blue chair and a multicolored post. The former leads to the 1st layer memory area, which contains a cardboard moon. The latter leads to the 2nd layer, which is a room filled with pink, green, blue and yellow, with chairs colored accordingly, some blocky-looking trees, somewhat silly music, purple carpet, blocks that float, and some half-pink half-blue rabbit NPCs.

Going into the blue blocks over the purple structure with trees. teleports the player to a looping corridor with chairs and two doors. The checker tiles one leads to the throne room, which contains the 2nd layer memory. Said room contains various floating blocks, similar to the ones found at the first room and two thrones. Thomas will refuse to sit in the black one and the red one is the 2nd layer memory.

If the Blue Passage is chosen, it will take to some sort of a waiting room with various chairs and two doors. The first black door leads to the 3rd layer memory, which is an event. The last black door teleports to a different version of the first area, which has a hovering block at the center which takes to the fourth layer.

The next area is a painted rainbow, but after some steps, the screen turns vivid red and the rainbow ends up cut down and bleeding while black roots spread. Then, after passing, it shows an enourmous monster, that if interacted, the screen pans up, it awakes, and it shows the 4th layer memory event and gives said memory.

Layer links

1st layer to 2nd layer: Multicolored Post (south and left)

2nd layer to 3rd layer: Door

3rd layer to 4th layer: Hovering block (center of the map)


1st layer: Cardboard moon

Description: That's no moon...

Location: Interact with the chair at the field, then go north.

2nd layer: The throne

Description: Hail to the red king, baby!

Location: At the checkered door at the purple corridor.

3rd layer: Trenchcoated man

Description: This has bad implications.

Location: On the Blue Waiting Room, at the first black door.

4th layer: Vivid

Description: A bedroom.

Location: At the very last area, interacting with the monster.


  • The monster that gives the 4th layer memory later appears at Daydream 37.
  • The daydream is full of Shout-outs to LSD: Dream Emulator, more exactly, the "Happy World" area.
  • One of the bgms of the 4th layer memory, choke, was made by the author choking itself, then modifying the sound.
  • Mislead was based upon a certain image of a book the author found.

Daydream 34: Scribble People and such


The starting place is made of words where things should be. Two other things are shown there: a notebook, and

Choosing some music.

the letter A (1st layer memory). Said notebook is located at the south of the starting point.

The notebook leads to a scribble area, with various drawn but monochrome things, such as flowers, a house, a well, and its Npcs, which are rather simple, and are a earless two-legged cat, a two-eyes in the same part of the face dog, and a little girl who follows Thomas around. Nearby, there are three scribbles that do nothing but play a beep. If the well is entered into, it will show a monster on a different artstyle which contains the 2nd layer memory.

If the house is entered, it will show three ways. The left way has a crudely drawn bedroom with a stereo system that can play some bgms of whichever Thomas chooses. The right way leads to a corridor, then to a room with an arm, that if interacted with, brings a hand and the same little girl. Interacting with her brings an event and the 3rd layer memory.

If the south way is entered, though, it will show an area with a field filled with flowers, Me herself, and a pin cushion. If Thomas goes up at a minimum of six tiles, then attempt to exit, an event will play and the 4th layer memory will be obtained.

Layer links

1st layer to 2nd layer: Notebook

2nd layer to 3rd layer: Arm

'2nd layer' to 4th layer: South passage


1st layer: A


Location: Going away at the north.

2nd layer: Deep on the well

Description: Back to the very well.

Location: Enter the well and interact with the monster.

3rd layer: Little girl

Description: Always the little girl.

Location: On the separate room by going in the right passage and interacting with the arm at the next door.

4th layer: Gone

Description: They're gone... gone... gone...

Location: In the house, go at the door located south.


  • This is one of the few daydreams that has concept art, or more exactly, character concept art. (Shown right)
    Said concept art.
  • The Me that appears on the daydream is slightly different from the actual one.
  • The bgms that can be chosen from the system are, respectively: bgm100, bgm1, bgm69, bgm5rev, bgm56, bgm51b, bgm50rev, bgm47, bgm39, bgm33, bgm30, bgm26, bgm23, bgm11, bgm71, bgm76, bgm82c, bgm99, bgm40, bgm32, bgm52, and bgm60. Most of those comes from the daydreams done prior to this one.
  • The first area is another reference to LSD: Dream Emulator.

Daydream 35: Area 8


The area is a looping amount of blue blocks. Some of them have passages. Taking the door at the line where the

The digicity is lively today.

starting point is located will lead to a small path filled with round rocks and the 1st layer memory. If the door at the line below the starting one is taken, it will teleport to the path to digicity (2nd layer).

Said path has some digital-like music, several lampposts and a background consisting of lines. Following around takes to the aforementioned digicity, which contains an enourmous building, several monsters, similar to the ones found at Daydream 31, and a room where Thomas's pallete can be changed to various Yume Nikki fangame protagonists.

Entering the building will unveil dark corridors, with various non-opening doors and monitors. The very last door, at top right, teleports to a room with various masked people which meow like cats even if they aren't cats and a window-door. Looking onto it shows the outside of the room, with W.T standing there. Exiting the view brings another version of the same room, in which several legs and heads sprout on the room, holes appear, there are different monsters, the 3rd layer memory is there, and there is a talking sign that turns the room back to normal.

If the distorted room is exited, it will show a different corridor with a door containing the event that gives the 4th layer memory.

Layer links

1st layer to 2nd layer: Passageway

2nd layer to 3rd layer: Door

3rd layer to 4th layer: Passageway


1st layer: Sunglasses

Description: 8)

Location: Go onto the door at the line of the starting point, then go onto the next room.

2nd layer: Scribbles

Description: I don't get it. And you?

Location: On Digicity.

3rd layer: Squid

Description: A glitched one, I add!

Location: On the distorted room at the building.

4th layer: Tearing off

Description: Your eyes.

Location: At the other room at the building after the distortion of the 3rd layer room.

The pallete change room.


  • The pallete change room contains various references to various Yume Nikki fangames, boiling even to the names of the palletes themselves.
  • This daydream also features the same monsters that appear at the 31st daydream. Likewise, they all have different beep patterns.
  • The 4th layer memory event has a pretty rare moment of W.T actually smiling.