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Complete guide for Dream Diary Quest, as of version 0.003.
Protagonist's Items
Enter the green door in the Nexus. Go two screens down and pick up the rose under the hanged knight.
Wedding Ring
From where you obtain the Rose, go one screen up then one screen left to the graveyard. Open your inventory (brown bag icon), select the Rose with the blue hand button, and use the Rose on the patch of dirt under the grave.
- The Wedding Ring item is required.
Enter the green door in the Nexus. Go one screen left and one screen down. Take the path leading to the castle in the background. Once inside the castle, equip the Wedding Ring item by opening the inventory, picking up the ring with the blue hand button, then using the ring on yourself. Go left and the knight standing in the doorway will disappear. The sword will be automatically added to your inventory.
Severed Head
- The Sword item is required.
- Note: Entering the room where this item is found without the Sword equipped causes the game to crash.
From where you get obtain the Sword, equip the sword then turn back to the stone hallway. Enter the room in the middle. After some dialogue, pick up the severed head on the ground to add it to your inventory.
- The Severed Head item is required.
Enter the purple door in the Nexus. Go two screens left then walk towards the giant blue head. Use the Severed Head on the blue head's eye and a pathway will open up. Walk through the pathway and you should find yourself standing outside a store. Pick up the green doll on the ground.
Star Map
- The Doll item is required.
Enter the purple door in the Nexus. Go two screens right and speak to the dark cloud in the sky. Inside the spaceship, use the Doll on the alien for some dialogue. You will also be given the Star Map automatically.
Dream Television
Speak to the television in the dream bedroom to learn more about the world and what your goals are.
Unfriendly Fellow
Enter the green door in the Nexus. Go one screen down, one screen right, and down another screen. A cutscene will play and the protagonist will be woken up.
Enter the green door in the Nexus. Go one screen left and one screen down. Take the path leading to the house in the distance. Enter the house and a cutscene will play. The protagonist will wake up immediately afterwards.
Alien Quest
- The Star Map item is required.
After getting the Star Map, enter the green door in the Nexus. Go one screeen left then one screen up. Walk up the stairs of the tower to reach the top. Use the Star Map on the lone dark blue star to mark it down. Return to the spaceship and use the Star Map on the alien. After some dialogue the game will close.