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Revision as of 09:02, 23 December 2013 by >HimeNikki


This is a partial walkthrough on where to find effects and how to get items and achievements. Most of the content in the sections have been translated from Yume Nikki Derivation Enjoyment @wiki.

If you played the game and found more Effects/Items/Acheivements, please add them to the walkthrough. Thanks!

Effects Guide

Fire Iron (ひかきぼう)

Reality → Manhole World → Blue-Green Swamp → Yellow Fish Passage → Passage to Guitar-san's Place → Chinatown → Red Maze → Gray Town → Talk to the white shadow girl

Crown (おうかん)

Reality → Manhole World → Blue-Green Swamp → Purple Passage → Castle → Talk to the Eyeball King

Pointed Hat (とんがりぼうし)

Reality → World of Broken Glass → Rainy Ruins → Ghost Castle → Talk to the old man in the Ghost Castle

Vacuum cleaner (そうじき)

Reality → Graffiti world → Hospital → Painting Passage → Head family numbers World → Harbor in the evening → Curtain World → Warehouse Passage → Torso World → Dark Window Passage → Green Men Garden → White Ruins

Wire (はりがね)

Reality → Manhole World → Lower part of Manhole World → Stone Humanoids World → Placed the ball in a hole, dive into the hole after the ball, then talk to the creature in the small room

Ice (こおり)

Reality → Manhole World → Purple and Green Mountains World → Talk to the woman in the glass passage

Headset (ヘッドセット)

Reality → Manhole World → Lower part of Manhole World → Yellow Tiles World → Waterside Town → Talk to the singer who is on the stage at the concert

Dot (ドット)

Reality → Manhole World → Blue Swamp → Yellow Fish Passage → Passage to Guitar-san's Place → Chinatown → Red Maze → Dark Town → Office → Talk to the resident of the round building with lots of ladders on it

Mosaic (モザイク)

Reality → World of Broken Glass → Rainy Ruins → Ghost Castle → Black-and-white world → Subway Station → Train (to a station in the city) → Station in the city → Train (to a station in the countryside → Station in the countryside → Countryside → Sunflower Passage → Eyeball Passage → talk to the residents in the back of the small room

Female Doctor (じょい)

Reality → Graffiti World → Colorful Plates World → Connecting passage → Dark Bridge World → Connecting passage → Red tree painting World → Flower Tiles World → A black field with a Gyudon Shop → Talk to the residents of the cross type in the Character World.

Rope (なわ)

Sepia Colors (セピアカラー)

Items Guide

This is a blind translation so errors may occur. If you played this game, please correct the errors and add more information about the effects and items in the game. Thanks!

Misc Items

Name Use How To Obtain
Instructions (説明書) Shows the game instructions. You have it from the beginning of the game.
Dust Cloth (雑巾) Cleans the screen when it's dirty. Can be used for an unlimited number of times. Talk to the gray-faced creatures in Block World.
Chalk (チョーク) Can scribble the way to a specific location Get it from from the resident of the small room in Manhole World.
Play-Through Counter (やりこみカウンター) Counts the number of several different things. It shows you how many times you've: listened to Guitar-san play, saved your game and found Kakurebo-kun. Find it in Yellow Tiles World.
Talking Counter (話しかけカウンター) Counts the number of conversations with the residents of the world. Get it from the mermaid who lives in a hut in Sea World.
Pneumatic Accelerator (空圧式加速装置) Increases movement speed. Pick it up after it fell from the sky in the Broken Glass World.
Watering Can (じょうろ) Raises seeds at particular locations Get it from the green man in the Ruins.
Seeds of something (何かの種) Heal & increasing by filling in a specific location & creating a new destination by filling in a specific location Purchase it from the old woman in the Shallows.
Keitori Ticket (競鳥券) A ticket to a mini-game. Talk to the owner of the Keitori field to enter it. Purchased from the owner of the Keitori field.
Performance Ticket (演奏券) A ticket to get Guitar-san to play one song for you. Talk to them in order to activate it. Buy it from Guitar-san.


Name Use How To Obtain
Pink One Piece (ピンクのワンピース) Changes abilities when equipped. You have it from the beginning of the game.
T-Shirt (Tシャツ) Changes abilities when equipped, but doesn't show up on sprite. In the Forest. Possibly available also in other places.
Wristwatch Toy (おもちゃの腕時計) Can be worn on the left hand, when equipped it has no effect other than that. It doesn't show on sprite either. You have it from the beginning of the game.
Marble (ビー玉) Can be worn on the right hand. Changes abilities when equipped, but doesn't show up on sprite. The bottom of Manhole World. Possibly available also in other places.
Cotton Candy Grass Wreath (ワタアメソウの花輪) Can be worn on the head, changes abilities when equipped, but doesn't show up on sprite.

Healing/Experience Items (Food)

Name Use Where To Find
Onigiri/Rice Ball (おにぎり) Heal + sight recovery You rarely get them from your mom.
Takeaway Blue Fried Rice (お持ち帰り青炒飯) Heal Can be purchased in the Chinatown Shop.
Takeaway Gyudon/Beef Bowl (お持ち帰り牛丼) Heal Can be purchased in the Gyudon Shop.
Coffee (コーヒー) Sight recovery Can be purchased in the Coffee Shop.
Black Tea (紅茶) Heal Can be purchased in the Coffee Shop.
Snake Drink (蛇水) Maximum value of stamina +10 Can be purchased from the snake in the Main Shrine.
Candy (飴玉) Heal (+10 points) Get it from your mom, or buy it from the Candy Shop in Chinatown, or buy it from the girl in the Ghost Castle.
Eyeball Candy (目玉飴) Sight recovery Can be purchased in the Candy Shop in Chinatown.
Caramel (キャラメル) Sight recovery Get it from the kindergarten teacher, or buy it from the girl in the Ghost Castle.
Mint Cookie (ミントクッキー) Heal Get it from a woman in the Candy Field.
Wet Rice Cracker (ぬれせんべい) Heal Get it from the old woman in the Japanese-style house (waking state).
Shock Ice (ショックアイス) Heal + decreases experience value Buy it from the Casino clerk.
Gray Tablet (灰色の錠剤) Heal Purchase at a shop in the Future City.
Fruit of Yotsubi Maple (ヨツビカエデの実) Rises Experience Get it in the Castle of the Eyeball King, or Red Maze (such as those with no enemies)

(Another fruit will fall from the tree after a certain period of time after you took one)

Akamadaratake (アカマダラタケ) Maximum rise of physical strength + Sight worsening Purchased from the residents of the bottom of the Manhole World.
Purple Crystal Powder (紫の結晶粉末) Heal + Sight worsening Purchased from a hooded resident of the barracks village.
Arrow Grass Leaf (ヤジルシソウの葉) Heal (+100 points) Found in Purple and Manhole World, Green Mountains World and other places.

Window/Menu Types

Name Description Where To Find
Past Window (パストウインドウ) A faded pink, gray and blue window. Get it in Shutter Street (bright state only).
Big Red Tree Window (赤い大木のウインドウ) A dark window with twisted red branches. Talk to the painter in the small artist room.
Annoying Window (ジャマウインドウ) A chasers-themed window. Get it in Future City.
Sun and Moon Window (太陽と月のウインドウ) A yellow window with the writings "Day" (日) and "Moon"/"Month" (月). Get it in the Ancient Mansion.
Black Window (ブラックウインドウ) An all-black window. Find it in White Posters World.
Gyudon Shop Window (牛丼屋ウインドウ) A beef bowl shop-themed window. Get it in American comic-style world.
Sanagi Window (さなぎのウインドウ) A Sanagi-themed pink window with red hearts. Get it in the Shrine.
Sepia Window (セピアのウインドウ) A gradient brown/black window. Found in the Eyeball Gallery.
Smile Window (笑顔のウインドウ) Colorful smilies window type.
Musician Window (ミュージシャンウインドウ) A window with "Mr.Hel Johnny" the musician. Found in the blue window shadows world.
Neon Window (ネオンウインドウ) Striped and psychedelic window type.
Noise Window (ノイズウインドウ) A white noise themed window.


Here are the game's achievements and how to get them.

Name How To Get
Prize For Participation (参加賞) You own it from the beginning of the game.
Chatting Lover (おしゃべり好き) Interact with NPCs 50 times.
100 Friends (友だち100人) Interact with NPCs 100 times.
Revolutionary (革命児) Attack the King using the Fire Iron Effect.
Walking Lover (散歩好き) Walk more than 5000 meters (=5km).
Travel Lover (旅行好き) Walk more than 10,000 meters (=10km).
Marathon Runner (マラソンランナー) Walk 42,195 meters or more (42.2km).
Level 10 (レベル10) Reach level 10.
Level 20 (レベル20) Reach level 20.
Level 30 (レベル30) Reach level 30.
Intermediate Walker (散歩中級者) Play time is over 30 minutes.
Senior Walker (散歩上級者) Play time is over 60 minutes. (1 hour)
Sampo Master (サンポマスター) Play time is over 180 minutes. (3 hours)
Lack of filial piety Person (親不孝者) Kill an NPC.
Psychopath (サイコパス) Kill 30 NPCs.
Hero (英雄) Kill 100 NPCs.
Vice Richman(小金持ち) Save 1000 never's.
Richman(金持ち) Save 2000 never's.
Wrath Of God (天罰) Attack the snake in the main shrine.
Victim (被害者) Cumulative more than 3000 of damage.
Enduring Child (我慢強い子) Cumulative more than 10,000 of damage.
Drink Lover (飲み物好き) Go back to reality while holding a snake drink, coffee or tea.
Sweets Lover (スイーツ好き) Go back to reality while holding candy, eyeball candy, a mint cookie, a wet rice cracker or caramel.
I don't need this anymore (これもういらない) Push off the broken robot in Concrete Maze.
Fragment of Memory (記憶の欠片) Touch your own shadow in the Ship.
Live Concert Crusher (ライブクラッシャー) Kill an NPC at the Live Concert.
Restive Horse (じゃじゃ馬) Use Fire Iron Effect on the kindergarten teacher.
No.2 Fan (ファン2号) Listen to the Guitar-san's song many times.
Ray of Hope (希望の光) Talk to mom in the World Of Darkness.
Rain of Evil (禍の雨) Kill the pair of girls in the Ancient Mansion in front of the pond.
Front Carelessness (前方不注意) Hit the glass divider in the Office.
Green Finger (緑の指) Grow more than three plants to the stage of flower by using the "Seed Of Something" Item.
Gambler (ギャンブラー) Play the Keitori Field mini-game many times.
Methodical (几帳面) Save your game 15 times.
Safety First (安全第一) Save your game 30 times.
Hide-And-Seek Queen (かくれんぼクイーン) Find Kakurenbo-kun (Hide-and-seek boy) 5 times.
Four Gods Conquest (四神制覇) Have an audience with all the Gods in the game.
Witness (目撃者) See a UFO in the passage of the ruins.
The Sole Survivor (唯一の生存者) Escape the laboratory and avoid its gone out of control animals.
Withdrawal (引きこもり) Annihilate the bridging passage to the living doors.
Bad News (バッドニュース) See the event in the small room where a shadow of a woman is watching TV.
That Day (あの日) See the rope hanging at the Ruins.
Meddling (おせっかい) Persuade the suicidal person.
Forest Killing (森殺し)
Vindictive (執念深い)
Memories Of The Excursion (遠足の思い出)