Revision as of 20:31, 25 June 2015 by Nexrob010 (talk | contribs)(diff) ← Older revision | Latest revision (diff) | Newer revision → (diff)Fangames released in the year 2012. Total games released this year: 36 Pages in category "Released in 2012" The following 35 pages are in this category, out of 35 total. 1 12amA Acatalepsy (アカタリプシー) Alive Arrow (アライブ・アロー) Amiha's Nightmare Castle (悪夢城のアミハ) Amihailu in Dreamland Anamorphosis AnarchyC Circuitdream.exe CyclothymicD Dream Genie (梦鬼)E Elysium CityF Farewell Fleshchild FLUXG Gnosis GOCCO (GOCCO)H Hell Diary Hide&SeekI IgniteK Kind Heart Kyomu (虚夢)L Limbo (game)M Memoria Mong Jung Mong (몽중몽) Mugamuchuu (夢我夢中) Musou Yuugi (夢想遊戯) My FavoriteO One-WAYS Single Line Someday SomniumT Time TravelerU Ultra Violet UmbraY Yume Nikki Hasei no Kisekae (ゆめにっき派生の着せ替え) Category: Fangames