Hello and welcome to the Yume Nikki Fangames Wiki!
Newly made fangames are constantly being created, so if you see any outdated information for any article, don't be afraid to correct it! If you have any information on fangames we don't have a page for, feel free to create it on your own!
Please read our Rules and Guidelines and follow the Page Layout Guides when creating a new article.
Ways to Contribute to this Wiki
- Make a page for any missing pages and add basic info at least (Something is better than nothing, but don't make a page and only write one sentence.)
- Update any pages with missing/outdated information
- Create a gameplay video of a game
- Write a /walkthrough page for a game
- Help create or find art for these characters.
Pages that need attention
Missing Character Pages
- "ID" (Dream "ID" Journey)
- Anatsuki (DREAM WORLD)
- Ame (Angel Wings)
- Amora (For Elise)
- Azafu (REDSHIFT)
- Bookio (Fallen Of Visnse)
- Captain Cray (The Curious Case of Captain Cray)
- Carrie (CATABASIS)
- Cherry (Cherry Tree)
- Clovis (The Forge and the Crucible)
- Enil (Dream of Life)
- Entity_1 (Edge of the Atmosphere)
- Eria (エリア) (YuMayhem (夢異変))
- Gakutsuki (がくつき) (layered)
- Gatatsuki (がたつき) (layered)
- Hamigaki (Yume Inu)
- Hasutsuki (附荷子) (D.O.W.N)
- Hesomagari (へそまがり) (B:(ursed)
- Hirumataiyo (Aether)
- Itsuki (いつき) (Donuts Coffee)
- Jaretsuki (じゃれつき) (On Border)
- Jonathan (Abashment)
- Kai (Tin Pot Dreams)
- Kevala Tempest (Utopia Of Unconscious)
- Kitotsuki (Mind Color)
- Keko (Shitataru Nikki)
- Loretta Nite (Night Lurker)
- Masatsuki (まさつき) (Requie-mu)
- Max (Fever (2003 Version))
- Melissa (Yume Gufi)
- Michito (ミチト) (Shirube No Kazari (シルベノカザリ))
- Mila (Burden 2: Remnants)
- Mina Mori (Unduhagge)
- Mitsuroki (Visare)
- Miya (Swan Song)
- Monoru (White Desert)
- Mor (Of Fake Town)
- Mori (Hermeticism)
- Moriko (Hypnagogia)
- Mujyou (MuMuMu: Mist of Six Dreams)
- Nawatsuki (なわつき) (Kou (絞))
- Nil (if Nil then)
- Noa (the single scarlet poppy in a field of stars)
- Nokon (Distant Memory)
- Ototsuki (おとつき) (Reikai Nikki (れいかいにっき))
- Paint (aquarium)
- Pico (Character) (Pico)
- Plasmanaut (Plasmanaut Is Alone)
- Protagonist (Deteriation Game)
- Protagonist (Dream Data)
- Protagonist (Dream Diary Quest)
- Protagonist (Dream Doll Dimension)
- Protagonist (Dreaming Network)
- Protagonist (Flushed Regrets)
- Protagonist (Growth)
- Protagonist (Mangaka Dream)
- Protagonist (Neonsomnia)
- Protagonist (Nightmares and Other True Stories)
- Protagonist (Openlid)
- Protagonist (Scratch Nikki)
- Protagonist (signature)
- Protagonist (SOLITARY)
- Protagonist (The Caverns)
- Protagonist (They are Confined)
- Protagonist (WSRW) (We Say Random Words)
- Protagonist (Yuki Nime)
- Protagonist (Yume Henrī)
- Protagonist (Yume Walky)
- Rahma (The Aching Aversion: Blood Orange Dreams)
- Randy (Old Test)
- Resa (Re:Vessel)
- Rucidia (Rucidia's Dream)
- Rue (Character) (Rue)
- Sanpurutsuki (Scary Nikki)
- Shiranaishi (しらないし) (Yume◇Memochou (ゆめ◇Memo帳))
- Slamming (Day of Nights)
- Sorasuki (SYSTEMIC//rem 「システミック\\レム」)
- Suo Xiangzi (锁箱子) (Empty)
- Super (Supers Dreams)
- Tesoni (Visare)
- Togatsuki (咎付き) (Hakua no Furuka (白亞のフルカ))
- Tom (Camera)
- Uncertain (Change)
- Vincent Vitruvio (Silly Jesus)
- Vinno (My Dreams)
- Violeta (INFERNULIA)
- Yin Ming (阴明) (Unaccomplished (无期))
- Yumesogi (ゆめそぎ) (Yume Otoshi (ゆめおとし))
- Yuumitsuki (ゆうみつき) (ErIS: Z. θ-pRogram)
Characters Pages with unsourceable fanarts
These pages contains fanarts that have been deleted and cannot be sourced back to their original artists due to the lack of archive. Please replace these by another fanart that can be correctly sourced.
- Fin (フィン) (Alive Arrow (アライブ・アロー))
- Kamitsuki (かみつき) (Yume, Shosen Mousou (夢、所詮妄想))
- Ken (ケン) (Negaigoto (ねがいごと))
- Netsuki (寝付き) (Yume Gatari (夢語り))
- Ofudatsuki (お札付き) (obox)
- Pershina (ペルシナ) (Genseki Wakusei (幻石惑星))
- Reika (れいか) (Parade)
- Sadatsuki (さだつき) (dayDream)
- Static (StaticNikki)
- Tsumiki (つみき) (M∞N)
- Utsutsuki (うつつき) (Yume Utsutsu (ゆめうつつ))
Missing Pages linked from another Page
You can check here all the wanted pages that are linked to others articles; walkthroughs, galleries and changelogs especially.
Very Unfinished Pages
Please add any information you know about these pages.