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Yume Nikki Fangames Wiki
Revision as of 00:35, 15 March 2025 by DenkaShaa (talk | contribs) (→‎2017)


Breeze probably has by far the most extensive and detailed Reference Room to date, with every fangame protagonist having their own painting along with a humorous description in each one. They are organized by release year up to 2020 and are located in the Debug Room from the Nexus.

This page is a work-in-progress.

Also, some of the captions may contain spoilers, so please read at your own risk.



Protagonist Game Painting Caption
Madotsuki (窓付き) Yume Nikki
Breeze 2004 madotsuki.png


Protagonist Game Painting Caption
Misotsuki (味噌付き) Miso Nikki (みそにっき)
Breeze 2007 misotsuki.png
>>1 (protagonist in very early versions) Yume 2kki (ゆめ2っき)
Breeze 2007 2kkiunknown.png
"Hey was this apartment taken?"
Urotsuki (うろつき) Yume 2kki (ゆめ2っき)
Breeze 2007 urotsuki.png


Protagonist Game Painting Caption
Piko Yume no Tsuzuki. (ゆめのつづき。)
Breeze 2008 pico.png
"Why are you on the site you're supposed to be in RPG Maker"


Protagonist Game Painting Caption
Sabitsuki (さびつき) .flow
Breeze 2009 sabitsuki.png
"Rusty girl"
Kazenori Yume Nikki: Solitude
Breeze 2009 kazenori.png
"Stop it, get some help"
Natalie Dreamscaper
Breeze 2009 natalie.png
Alex Inspiration
Breeze 2009 alex.png
"You're too good to be here, get out"


Protagonist Game Painting Caption
Aya (あや) Hallucigenia (ハルキゲニア)
Breeze 2010 aya hallucigenia.png
"W - two world"
Aine (あいね) Hallucigenia (ハルキゲニア)
Breeze 2010 aine.png
"What's wrong, my child?"
Tsumiki (つみき) M∞N
Breeze 2010 tsumiki.png
"Are you alright girl you've seen too many weird things"
Al Ree N'Oubliez Jamais
Breeze 2010 al ree.png
"The dream came true"
Takashi (たかし) Older
Breeze 2010 takashi.png
Funetsuki (ふねつき) Tec
Breeze 2010 funetsuki.png
"I'm you but stronger"
Sazanami (さざなみ) Ryokou-chuu (旅行中)
Breeze 2010 sazanami.png
"Bobba Hotel"
Nathan The Other Line
Breeze 2010 nathan.png
"ring ring who's there"
Otetsuki (おてつき) Yoake
Breeze 2010 otetsuki 3kki.png
Yomika (よみか) Yume Graffiti (ユメ-グラフィティ)
Breeze 2010 yomika.png
"Spooky Ghost"
Usotsuki (うそつき) Yume Nisshi (夢日誌)
Breeze 2010 usotsuki.png
"Go*d Night World"
Protagonist (Yume no Oto) Yume no Oto (ゆめのおと)
Breeze 2010 otounknown.png
Nagatsuki (永付き) Yume Wo. (夢を。)
Breeze 2010 nagatsuki.png
"Sadly he have bad parents"
Kamitsuki (かみつき) Yume, Shosen Mousou (夢、所詮妄想)
Breeze 2010 kamitsuki.png
Toritsuki (とりつき) Amnesia
Breeze 2010 toritsuki.png
"Am I in heaven?"
Fluorette Answered Prayers
Breeze 2010 fluorette.png
"Pray the sun"
Sadatsuki (さだつき) DayDream
Breeze 2010 sadatsuki.png
"It's morning and you're still sleeping"
Irotsuki (いろつき) DreaMarbleng (ドリーマーブリング)
Breeze 2010 irotsuki.png
"Urotsuki's sister"
Aya (Айа) Dreams of Dead
Breeze 2010 aya dreamsofdead.png
"cheeki breeki"
Yon Goh/No. 4 (4号) Witoru (うぃとる) Neta Dream
Breeze 2010 yongoh.png
Cap Boy Fushichou no Yume (不死鳥の夢)
Breeze 2010 capboy.png
Isokishi (いそきし) Madoro-Mu (まどろ夢)
Breeze 2010 isokishi.png
"Stop hitting your car by accident"
Kazaguruma (かざぐるま) Kudaranu Mousou No (くだらぬ妄想の)
Breeze 2010 kazaguruma.png
Breeze 2010 kazaguruma alt.png
Jose (ホセ) Kudaranu Mousou No (くだらぬ妄想の)
Breeze 2010 jose.png
"Jose'ph Josestar "
Chie (ちえ) Lcd Dem
Breeze 2010 chie.png
"Memory lost"
Analiese Melodia
Breeze 2010 analiese.png
"Music is cool"
Maritsuki (まりつき) Matsurikki (まつりっき)
Breeze 2010 maritsuki.png
"Yet the festival begins in dream"
Furatsuki (ふらつき) Muyuu (ムユウ)
Breeze 2010 furatsuki.png
"Grill Breath"


Protagonist Game Painting Caption
Protagonist (4185113) 4185113
Breeze 2011 4185113unknown.png
"Why does one of the nexus doors have Gameboy creepypasta"
Protagonist (Bizzare) Bizzare
Breeze 2011 bizzareunknown.png
"Dreamer's Bizzare Effect"
Dokutsuki Broken Bottles
Breeze 2011 dokutsuki.png
"Oh sorry I broke too many bottles"
Sophia Divinity Fatum
Breeze 2011 sophia.png
Gorotsuki (ごろつき) Dream Book
Breeze 2011 gorotsuki.png
"Edgiest Girl"
Tatsuki (たつき) Debris
Breeze 2011 tatsuki.png
"You are an idiot haa hahaa hahahahahahahahahahaaaa"
Lefia Debris
Breeze 2011 lefia.png
Thank you Tatsuki but our princess is in another dream"
Shimitsuki (しみつき) If
Breeze 2011 shimitsuki.png
Kagerou (影朗) Kage, Souzou, In (影・想像・陰)
Breeze 2011 kagerou.png
"Let's go Yon Goh"
Kagero (カゲロー) Kage, Souzou, In (影・想像・陰)
Breeze 2011 kagero.png
"I hate my life"
Sakura (さくら) Lost † Game
Breeze 2011 sakura.png
"I want to play a game"
Me Me
Breeze 2011 me.png
"Using eraser to erase everything, how cruel"
* Mewn
Breeze 2011 asterisk.png
"Beep boop"
Protagonist (Miserere) Miserere
Breeze 2011 miserereunknown.png
"The first one that met aliens before ayy lmao"
Utsutsuki (うつつき) Yume Utsutsu (ゆめうつつ)
Breeze 2011 utsutsuki.png
"Why this title look like a maze"
Soentsuki (疎遠付き) Nocturne
Breeze 2011 nocturne.png
A NostAlgic
Breeze 2011 A.png
Reika (れいか) Parade
Breeze 2011 reika.png
Iwakutsuki (いわくつき) Parade
Breeze 2011 iwakutsuki.png
Mark S//D
Breeze 2011 mark.png
"What, this effect I got is fake!? UNFAIR!"
Michi The Door of Thoughts
Breeze 2011 michi.png
"Trust nobody not even yourself"
Irene The Looking Glass
Breeze 2011 irene.png
"Magic mirror Magic mirror, who's the best protagonist?"
Doro Safety
Breeze 2011 doro.png
"Where are we, are we in this darn cave"
lola Safety
Breeze 2011 lola.png
Mina Safety: Life is a Maze
Breeze 2011 mina.png
"Danger: Death is a Maze"
Eric. UBOK.
Breeze 2011 eric.png
"Do you want to have a bad time?"
Yamao (山尾) Yamao-den (山尾伝)
Breeze 2011 yamao.png
"Call my name wrongly and i'll kill you"
Mukatsuki (むかつき) Yume no Mata Yume (夢のまたゆめ)
Breeze 2011 mukatsuki.png
"Persona 5"
Tsumetogi (つめとぎ) Yume Noroi (ユメノロイ)
Breeze 2011 tsumetogi.png
"I'll curse you"
Origamitsuki (おりがみつき) *Illness*
Breeze 2011 origamitsuki.png
"I'm so Stressed"


Protagonist Game Painting Caption
Qiu Qin (秋琴) Dream Genie (梦鬼)
Breeze REF 1.png
Relic Farewell
Breeze REF 2.png
"My little pegasus"
Vis Fleshchild
Breeze REF 3.png
Maria FLUX
Breeze REF 4.png
"The File Maria1 can not be opened"
Elizabeth R.E.M. [Apparently not the DDJ game of the same name]
Breeze REF 5.png
Doug Bigham Gnosis
Breeze REF 6.png
"Go away or RIOT"
Sanagi (さなぎ) GOCCO (GOCCO)
Breeze REF 7.png
"Mom's Rice Ball best Rice Ball"
Ann Hide&Seek
Breeze REF 8.png
"dame dayo"
Eun Hell Diary
Breeze REF 9.png
"Coal Miner??"
Feutsuki Ignite
Breeze REF 10.png
"Demon cat"
Moyatsuki (もやつき) Kyomu (虚夢)
Breeze REF 11.png
Aitsuki (あいつき) Kind Heart
Breeze REF 12.png
Annie Limbo
Breeze REF 13.png
"I thought you're floating, hacker"
Protagonist (Memoria) Memoria
Breeze REF 14.png
"you have mere seconds to live."
Limbo 12am
Breeze REF 15.png
"Do not play this game at 3AM! (OMG!)"
Naoto Acatalepsy (アカタリプシー)
Breeze REF 16.png
"π = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679"
Fin (フィン) Alive Arrow (アライブ・アロー)
Breeze REF 17.png
"I'm fine"
Mae Amiha's Nightmare Castle
Breeze REF 18.png
"Why my apartment become castlevania"
Amihailu Amihailu in Dreamland
Breeze REF 19.png
"Alice in Wonderland"
Anarchy (Character) Anarchy
Breeze REF 20.png
Antimony circuitdream.exe
Breeze REF 21.png
Koji Cyclothymic
Breeze REF 22.png
"Whats dat title made of"
Protagonist (Dickme Dicki) Dickme Dicki
Breeze REF 23.png
"Ohai this is OTP"
Lee Jin Hui (이진희) Mong Jung Mong (몽중몽)
Breeze REF 24.png
"Weather controller"
Niyatsuki (にやつき) Mugamuchuu (夢我夢中)
Breeze REF 25.png
"Stop laughing"
Nakitsuki (なきつき) Mugamuchuu (夢我夢中)
Breeze REF 26.png
"Stop crying"
Shirayuki (白雪) Musou Yuugi (夢想遊戯)
Breeze REF 27.png
"Flea markets around"
Kanariya (かなりや) My Favorite
Breeze REF 28.png
"Fastest Protagonist in the dream"
Aitsuki (One-WAY) One-WAY
Breeze REF 29.png
"Her history is no longer exist"
Alyssa One-WAY
Breeze REF 30.png
"Once you walk in the one-way path, you'll never come back"
Protagonist (Single Line) Single Line
Breeze REF 31.png
"In and Out"
Itsuki Someday
Breeze REF 32.png
"|>|_3453 |-|3|_|>|\/|3"
Thomas Somnium
Breeze REF 33.png
W.T Somnium
Breeze REF 34.png
Sometsuki (そめつき) Ultra Violet
Breeze REF 35.png
"Bun bun"
Kazuki Time Traveler
Breeze REF 36.png
Mai Time Traveler
Breeze REF 37.png
"I'm so sad that this game is not YN fangame anymore"
Scott Umbra
Breeze REF 38.png
Kikei (畸形子) Anamorphosis
Breeze REF 39.png
"Wyrt amv ylv, p mlosblr?"
Inky Lonely Inky
Breeze REF 40.png
"oh whyyyyyyyyyyy oh whyyyyyyyyy whhyyyhyyyy(MLP)"


Protagonist Game Painting Caption
Kyukotsuki Kyoku Yume
Breeze 2013 kyukotsuki.png
"RPG Mker VX"
Anistasia Lonely
Breeze 2013 anistasia.png
"Forever alone"
Soutarou (宗太郎) Mikan Muzou (未完夢像)
Breeze 2013 soutarou.png
"He violated the law"
Mimi Mimi
Breeze 2013 mimi.png
Ken (ケン) Negaigoto (ねがいごと)
Breeze 2013 ken.png
"I wish i could"
Ruho Nightmare Castle
Breeze 2013 ruho.png
"Ah [ ], here we go again"
Tatyana Nightmare Castle
Breeze 2013 tatyana.png
"A Succubus"
Carrie .ExE
Breeze 2013 carrie.png
"Reality vs imagination"
Hoshiko .ExE
Breeze 2013 hoshiko.png
"Hoshiko.exe has stopped working"
Akatsuki (あかつき) 13 Page (13ペエジ)
Breeze 2013 akatsuki.png
"Astronaut 13"
Hanatsuki (花付き) 13 Page (13ペエジ)
Breeze 2013 hanatsuki.png
"Flow Flower Forest"
Minazuki (みなづき) CandyRain
Breeze 2013 minazuki.png
"Sugar rush"
Dave Coma
Breeze 2013 dave.png
Senshitsuki Dream Sequences
Breeze 2013 senshitsuki.png
Morana Permafrost
Breeze 2013 morana.png
"Don't flirt with death"
Katatsuki (かたつき) Physicality (フィジカリティ)
Breeze 2013 katatsuki.png
"Frisk is that you"
Protagonist (Reap and Sow) Reap and Sow
Breeze 2013 reapandsow.png
Harutsuki (はるつき) Remegeton (レメゲトン)
Breeze 2013 harutsuki.png
"The Lesser Key of Solomon"
Latanie Repentance
Breeze 2013 latanie.png
"Sleeping with aprons on, she must be dreaming about cooking"
Xuan Wozi (漩涡子) Sewage
Breeze 2013 xuanwozi.png
"My school"
Mutsuki (夢付き) Sity
Breeze 2013 mutsuki.png
Breeze 2013 dry.png
"E j e c t ."
Hazuki (葉月) E Nikki (えにっき)
Breeze 2013 hazuki.png
Anne Elysium City
Breeze 2013 anne.png
"Leaving Society"
Borotsuki (ぼろつき) Eret Link (エレトリンク)
Breeze 2013 borotsuki.png
huán xíng zǐ (环行子) Friendly
Breeze 2013 huanxingzi.png
Waka Himi Nikki
Breeze 2013 waka.png
"Shhh don't tell everyone our secret"
Ava Iter Itineris
Breeze 2013 ava.png
"Die monster! You don't belong in this world!"
Smashotsuki Yume Smashi
Breeze 2013 smashotsuki.png
Hirosae (広冴え) Yume Nichiroku (夢日録)
Breeze 2013 hirosae.png
"Simple Girl"
Otetsuki (おてつき) Yume Iro (ゆめいろ)
Breeze 2013 otetsuki.png
Netsuki (寝付き) Yume Gatari (夢語り)
Breeze 2013 netsuki.png
"Go to sleep"
Twill (ツイル) Yume Aruki (ゆめあるき)
Breeze 2013 twill.png
"time to go to school"
Yarn You May|you&me
Breeze 2013 yarn.png
Umiko Usagi
Breeze 2013 umiko.png
"Rabi Rabi"
Takatsuki (たかつき) Uotamuosu (ウオタムオス)
Breeze 2013 takatsuki.png
Bill Uotamuosu (ウオタムオス)
Breeze 2013 bill.png
Shiwasu (師走) Uotamuosu (ウオタムオス)
Breeze 2013 shiwasu.png
"I swear I'm not furry"
Suzutsuki (すずつき) TRIAL
Breeze 2013 suzutsuki.png
"BOOM headshot"
Mukuro (骸) Soul Song
Breeze 2013 mukuro.png
"Don't Gamble With Your Soul"


Protagonist Game Painting Caption
Pershina (ペルシナ) Genseki Wakusei (幻石惑星)
Breeze 2014 pershina.png
"Shiny crystal"
Motatsuki (もたつき) device
Breeze 2014 motatsuki.png
Shiori (栞) Book End (ブックエンド)
Breeze 2014 shiori.png
"I'm out of mana help me"
Hua Ju (华琚) August 31 (八月三十一号)
Breeze 2014 huaju.png
"Ronald McDonald"
Ametsuki Asleep
Breeze 2014 ametsuki.png
"I regret it"
Drake Another Way
Breeze 2014 drake.png
Conrad .B.P.
Breeze 2014 conrad.png
"When go camping"
Kanashimito (悲しみと) Emo Neccky
Breeze 2014 kanashimito.png
"And I was like baby, baby, baby oh Like baby, baby, baby, no Like baby, baby, baby, oh I thought you'd always be mine MINEEEE"
Shinoko Jigoku Nagashi
Breeze 2014 shinoko.png
"serach for cute foxxo"
Reney jourNEY REcord
Breeze 2014 reney.png
"(I)nvers(E) (D)ream"
H2O Kaeri Yume (帰り夢)
Breeze 2014 h20.png
"Remember to drink water"
Zugaikotsuki Kross
Breeze 2014 zugaikotsuki.png
"Dank Memes"
Nemu (ねむ) Made In Nightmare (メイド・イン・ナイトメア)
Breeze 2014 nemu.png
"Made in Japan"
Appuru Mind Reader
Breeze 2014 appuru.png
Isaac Mizu (2014)
Breeze 2014 isaac.png
"Ship Crash Help"
Kaede (かえで) Unknown Exist
Breeze 2014 kaede.png
"Existing is strongly prohibited"
Nagi (凪) The Red Sea
Breeze 2014 nagi.png
"Water is push"
Jhonson The Jhonson Parable
Breeze 2014 jhonson.png
"Worker #069"
Kuroyuri (黒百合) Saigo no Uta (サイゴノウタ)
Breeze 2014 kuroyuri.png
"Where the hell am I"
Ciste (シスト) Saigo no Uta (サイゴノウタ)
Breeze 2014 ciste.png
Ginmokusei (銀木犀) De I Cide
Breeze 2014 ginmokusei.png
Inahoozuki (否鬼灯) De I Cide
Breeze 2014 inahoozuki.png
"Too op pls nerf"
Eldrid Glemsomhet
Breeze 2014 eldrid.png
"Edgy psycho mob"
Kodama (こだま) Hana no Chiruramu (花の散るらむ)
Breeze 2014 kodama.png
"Unused classroom?"
Shun (峻) Again, Sometime.
Breeze 2014 shun.png
Katsuki (克樹) Again, Sometime.
Breeze 2014 katsuki.png
"Oh it's you again"
Lex Monotose
Breeze 2014 lex.png
"Mono Toes"
Ketsueki (KNF) Nightmare Diary
Breeze 2014 ketsueki.png
"Give me your blood"
Ofudatsuki (お札付き) Obox
Breeze 2014 ofudatsuki.png
"I hear every door you open"
Miko Demencia
Breeze 2014 miko.png
"Today i will steal other people's work"
Celesentian unExpected
Breeze 2014 celesentian.png
"Are you a hero, or a NPC that just sleeps"
Ying Zi (影子) Phobia
Breeze 2014 yingzi.png
"I believe I can fly"
Baratsuki (ばらつき) P.S.Rose
Breeze 2014 baratsuki.png
Amatsuki (雨付き) Tsukumono Yume (つくものゆめ)
Breeze 2014 amatsuki.png
"Arg I failed saving you now i gon murder you"
Kozuki (こづき) Tsukumono Yume (つくものゆめ)
Breeze 2014 kozuki.png
"I'm in danger"
Lilit Yume Fumi
Breeze 2014 lilit.png
"I got a gun, no boys, boys will die *pew pew*"
Insomnia Yume Fumi
Breeze 2014 insomnia.png
"Watch me play black midi*"


Protagonist Game Painting Caption
Satotsuki (里付き) Yume Kayoi (夢通い) 13157904 2905474038 1741988215880.png "Hey! Listen! Watch out!"
Kotozuki (言付き) Yume Kayoi (夢通い) 13157904 2905474038 1741988226211.png "Disconnected from the dream, please try again later."
Yasashi Yasumeru 13157904 2905474038 1741988233709.png "過勞死"
Cinnamon The Better Place "hello NPC"
Protagonist (Puchi Nikki) Puchi Nikki (プチニッキ) 13157904 2905474038 1741988252843.png "3DS"
323 Overdrive (オーバードライブ) 13157904 2905474038 1741988259077.png "Let's escape this spaceship! it's dangerous to stay in here!"
543 Overdrive (オーバードライブ) 13157904 2905474038 1741988267727.png "Thankfully I'm sick or they will do experiment on me"
Nire (にれ) yuque 13157904 2905474038 1741988286622.png "I'm trying to listen music"
Totsutsuki Uneven Dream 13157904 2905474038 1741988294220.png "凸"
Kubotsuki Uneven Dream 13157904 2905474038 1741988300131.png "凹"
Natsuki (なつき) UnRequited 13157904 2905474038 1741988307958.png "Non-UnDeReEntered"
Mimotsuki Wakana Nikki 13157904 2905474038 1741988321019.png "so i herd u liek mudkipz"
Yakitsuki (やきつき) withers 13157904 2905474038 1741988326650.png "burn into ashes"
Yoruzuki (よるづき) Yume wa Maeyono (ゆめはまえよの) 13157904 2905474038 1741988348467.png "Took too many pills from the medicine bottle"
Shiiko Yume-san 13157904 2905474038 1741988359089.png "Yume-chan~~"
Yuuki (裕希) Mega Dream Yuuki Breeze.png "Mega man"
Luke (ルーク) Electron Handsome Boy (電子美青年) Luke Breeze.png "Hand some"
Aritsuki (ありつき) Dream? Aritsuki Breeze.png "Hello?"
yuki Dream? Yuki Breeze.png "Hotel?"
Dreamer Dream RPG Dream RPG Breeze.png "keep fighting"
Sophia Disorder 13157904 2905474038 1741983797684.png "Best shoot-up game in GameBoy"
Sonoko (苑子) -1 -Minus Ichi- (-1 -マイナスイチ-) Sonoko Breeze.png "1-1-1-1"
Emory FOG Emory Breeze.png "Ace of Spade"
Tegan FOG 13157904 2905474038 1741988129167.png "No u reverse"
Leon FOG 13157904 2905474038 1741988139237.png "Infinity slash"
Yarishi Hikensha, Awaits;10H 13157904 2905474038 1741988147972.png "I will wait you in 10 hours"
Chie MixiM 13157904 2905474038 1741988156675.png "suffer"
Shimotsuki (しもつき) Mortalis (モルターリス) 13157904 2905474038 1741988167747.png "Mortal"
Kuratsuki (くらつき) Nigella 13157904 2905474038 1741988178669.png "It's so dark in there"


Protagonist Game Painting Caption
Satotsuki (里付き) Yume Kayoi (夢通い) "Hey! Listen! Watch out!"
Twinky Yume Doodle "Fantasy Star"
Twinkle Yume Doodle "Twinkle"
Akitsuki Genso Nikki "Imagine it become real"
Maya Corallo "I have crippling depression"
Akise Akuma "Street fighter"
Nex Idtipsa "Dance till you're dead"
Michitsuki (みちつき) moonLess*L "Same energy"
Oborogi (おぼろぎ) moonLess*L "L"
Maimu (舞夢) Kiratsuki (きらつき) "Show me your moves"
Kasetsuki (かせつき) :Poena: "rawr x3"
Yatsuki (やつき) Shirushi (印) "This way!"


Protagonist Game Painting Caption
Karasu Yume Metsuki "Where's my moms notebook"
Zero Veins "Scarier than .flow?"
{Unknown} Trade Effluent "Trading my effects for 1 cent"
Uzuki The Dream Di@ry "THE iDOLM@STER"
Ulysses Take The Veil "Unlike Asriel and Ralsei"
Ermes Sleepless "Sleepmore"
Maigo Akigakure "Strange man"
Dante XV "Wasn't he a nameless protagonist"
Nyasuki Yume Nyaki "CHARA"
Kinoko Yume Nyaki "This game is surely bring from dead to alive"
Nocti Nocti "moon moon"
Mint No Outlet "Yes"
Harley Moonlit Lobby "Does he/she have a perfect wonderful story?"
Tomato Chain Miskatonic Diaries "Tomato adventure"
Tyran Mesonoxian "Darn it's holiday but it rains outside"
Pure Mementos "Bruh Momento 2"
Manda Manda no Yume "MASTER OF COLLECTING"
Alice Moon Cradle "Go back to Mars Earth is too dangerous"
Maka Onohi "ono"
Wren Passing By "Don't mind me I'm just passing by"
Yisme Projector "Alice is dead"
Guratsuki Reverse Dream "placeholder"
Reina Ruler's Reign "stop the rain"
Modori (もどり) ShamaL "Shame"
MC Dream Journey "Mine Craft"
Lie Fissure "Cani be ur angle?"
Markus Closure "<⃟>"
Ilyse Bunte Märchenträume "Brb escaping reality"
Ethel Album "I'm old and I can't remember what my family lok like"
Miyo Yanohi Agony "Cmon stop suffering Tsukiya"
Maho DuGaSHoBa! "biohazard"
Mother Family "What happened to you mom? your kins look pale."
Guy Fieri Food Diary "Gordon"
Fio Halcyon "HAL"
{Unknown} Hentekorin "Real life be like:"
Fiona InSomnus "Somebody help me i'm trapped"
Ichitsuki Journal Nikki "Ichitsuki.Position = Vector3.new(0,0,0)"

Unknown Year

Protagonist Game Painting Caption
Raku-chan Nyan Nikki
Breeze unknown rakuchan.png
"Kawaii desu"
Kizutsuki (きずつき) Nijuu Yuumu (二重遊夢)
Breeze unknown kizutsuki.png
Rei (零) Musuu (夢数)
Breeze unknown rei.png
Shidonoko (しどのこ) Kataribesou ~Ensouki~ (かたりべ荘~淵藪記~)
Breeze unknown shidonoko.png
Hareta Remedy
Breeze unknown hareta.png
"Take medicine before sleeping"
Yamitsuki (やみつき) sick mind
Breeze unknown yamitsuki.png
"bun bun x2"
Iratsuki (いらつき) sick mind
Breeze unknown iratsuki.png
"Koishi Komeiji(Almost like it)"
Kurayami (くらやみ) sick mind
Breeze unknown kurayami.png
"What's 1+1? Purple because aliens don't wear hats"
Sydney Untitled One
Breeze unknown sydney.png


Protagonist Game Painting Caption
Protagonist Ishi no Hakoniwa (石の箱庭) "何モナイ、何 モ見エナイ"
{Unknown} Home Room WORLD "I'm not done playing yet, toriel"
Haritsuki Zen no Yume (善の夢) "have a good dream"
{Unknown} Yumeuri "Selling and kind of effects for 10 dream coins"
Kitsuki (found on twitur) {Unknown} "im goin"
Kagitsuki Dream Box (ドリームボックス) "她鑰匙多到可以 開一家所店了"
Kuroha Calm☾Dream
Breeze others kuroha.png
"one more gem and I will snap"
Mizuki Calm☾Dream
Breeze others mizuki.png
"我要代替月 亮懲罰你"
Nemu Calm☾Dream
Breeze others nemu.png
"Finding Nemu"
Doatsuki Calm☾Dream
Breeze others doatsuki.png
"Life has many doors"
{Unknown} Calm☾Dream
Breeze others calmdream .png
"Sunny day"
Ikasuki Akumu
Breeze others akumu.png
"Faith will get you to the end"
{Unknown} MUTE
Breeze others mute.png
":mute <Player> 99999"
{Unknown} KaMe
Breeze others kame.png
Taishi Toume nikki
Breeze others taishi.png
"Hope you're finished soon!"
Bukisuki Mugen akumu
Breeze others bukisuki.png
"I love weapons"
Mikazuki Mugen akumu
Breeze others mikazuki.png
"Could their nightmare be infinite"
Siris Siris' Inferno
Breeze others siris.png
"I don't know why it's in YNFG Gallery but ok"
Akatsuki (あかつき) Puchi Nikki (ぷちにっき)
Breeze others akatsuki.png
"y u so smol"
Kubiwatsuki AC Nikki "A C~"
Wakutsuki 5W1H "5 Wakutsuki 1 day"
Bility Unable
Breeze others bility.png
"Oh god these title options"
Winifred aWalk in Aisya "When she walk"
Harold Einsamkeit "OUI"
{Unknown} Stuffages "000100010001"
Anchitsuki {Unknown} "1 Inch"
Blanco Cerulean
Breeze others cerulean.png
Setimun Setimun
Breeze others setimun.PNG
"Stop adventuring in the desert"
Kumotsuki Daydream "Kumotsuki how dare you dreamiung that's it you're grounded x99 for 94832948932842934829348 million x94390 years go to your room now"
Hanetsuki Yumea "We gotta flyyyyyy HIGH high highhhh"
Tomotsuki Yume Miru "home.exe"
Villain MuBoRu -musicboxroom-
Breeze others villain.png
{Unknown} Neftelia,Neftelia 2
Breeze others neftelia.png
"ROCK 'n roll"
Yamitsuki {Unknown} "Windows (C:)"
Kagitsuki Neko puranetto "Kagitsuki根本 就是鑰匙生產器"
May May
Breeze others may.png
"You may alive"
{Unknown} ADHD "Green"
{Unknown} {Unknown} (Found on Uboachan)
Breeze others unknown.png
"go exist already"
Lei Zi (泪 子) Dream Book (梦账本)
Breeze others leizi.png
Irotsuki Yume Jiko
Breeze others yumejiko.png
"3rd Irotsuki"
{Unknown} Yami Owarimasu "omae wa mo shindeiru"
Chiritsuki Drifter
Breeze others chiritsuki.png
"Dont be lazy and create fangameeeeEE!!!!"
Kuraitsuki Iyurson Nikki
Breeze others iyursonnikki.png
"help anyone name me"
{Unknown} {Unknown} (Found on FC2) "Edit?"
Udita Modoki 腦內夢遊 "What's going on with my brain?!?"
Minazuki Utopia "My little pony, my little pony, aahhh aahaaaahhahh"
Braidon FTA-404 "404 Not found"
Hatsuki Bad Dreams "Instead of collectiong orbs, she collects moons"
{Unknown} Sleep St. "Awake Rd."
Aotsuki {Unknown}
Breeze others aotsuki.png
"Love it! I'm gonna keep my eye out for this popping up now!"
Happup Happup
Breeze others happup.png
Rikotsura klaust_
Breeze others klaust.png
"Hard life in the city"
Tyler Lost Dream
Breeze others tyler.png
"yor leg skinner"
Mimi Strange Beauty
Breeze others strangeBeauty.png
Jack Slumberjack
Breeze others slumberjack.png
Protagonist +Run Rabbit+
Breeze others runRabbit.png
Chitsuki ChiTsuki
Breeze others chitsuki.png
Charmaine N.D.E.
Breeze others nde.png
"* Here's your stop..............................................................................................."
{Unknown due name changing in game} Middens
Breeze others middens.png
Lilith Fever
Breeze others fever.png
Scarlett Oneirology
Breeze others scarlett.png
Natsuki OrigiN/OrijiN
Breeze others natsuki.png
"The origin"
Protagonist Kamisori
Breeze others kamisori.png
"Twist and tumble. Forgot the smell of home. No soil beneath our footsteps. No marrow in the bones. Listen at us will you? Share with us your head. Do hide behind the iris. As all of our friends are dead."
Saladin Letting Go
Breeze others lettinggo.png
"let it go LET IT GO"
{Unknown} Yume Nikku (ゆめにっく)
Breeze others yumenikku.png
Asura Nightmare
Breeze others nightmare.png
"Nightmare Diary oml"
Soguko (そぐ子) /32
Breeze others soguko.png
Edward 回-maze-
Breeze others edward.png
Alice 回-maze-
Breeze others alice.png
Hēi jǐng(黑井) 回-maze-
Breeze others heijing.png
? Kimi no Ashiato (キミノアシアト)
Breeze others kiminoashiato.png
"Favorability +1"
Hikari Hikari
Breeze others hikari.png
"光光光光光光光 光光光光光光光 光光光光光光光 光光光光光光光 光光光光光光光 光光光光光光光 光光光光光光光 光光光光光光光"
Renka Yume no renka/Yumenouchi meimu
Breeze others renka.png
"do you love me"
Henry M o RE Lie s
Breeze others henry.png
Mai Oneirology
Breeze others mai.png
Mae Jigoku Nikki
Breeze others mae.png
"Hell diary v0.5"
Breeze others stranger.png
"nope i don't accept strangers"
(Censored)tsuki 2flow "9 9 9 99 9"
"Mister" MIMPI
Breeze others mimpi.png
{Unknown} Yume No.3 "333-333-333"
Suika Qualia "Anne is too bland, get her away from my sight"
Felix 565124 "Romeo"
Dahlia 565124 "Juliet"
Anne Qualia "「クオリア。」"
Lucy Lucy's Closet "is that blood?"
Netsuki (寝付) mugensou (むげんそう)
Breeze others mugensou.png
"Go to sleep x2"
Azul CCLE(Cuando Callen Las Espadas) "The most confusing fangame ever"
Iris Naive
Breeze others iris.png
"Literally not another Iris from the looking glass"
Gala Naive
Breeze others gala.png
"Is this real world look like?"
Kairu (カイル) Paradox Lost
Breeze others kairu.png
Irotsuki (いろつき) Iro Nikki
Breeze others irotsuki2.png
"Imaginary dreamer"
Bubtsuki I Don't Know
Breeze others bubtsuki.png
Zi Somnia
Breeze others zi.png
"nebulous clouds, HOW"
Noah (노아) Odd "Is it odd that my head grew two wings"
Kanashimi Yume Ryoko-Sha
Breeze others kanashimi.png
"Traveling into nothingness"
Alles Life is a Highway
Breeze others alles.png
"You are a pirate"
Ookamitsuki Okumu Denwa (悪夢電話)
Breeze others ookamitsuki.png
"More like a good edit of madotsuki"
Windowtsuki Glemsomhet
Breeze others windowtsuki.png
"Windows 10"
Yuuzai CHAIN
Breeze others yuuzai.png
"Chasing Him Along Into Nether"
Jeslyn Somnolence
Breeze others jeslyn.png
"Pretty nice"
Finlay Pollution
Breeze others finlay.png
"This main character is Skunk specie, no wonder title name is named Pollution"
{Unknown} {Unknown} (found on twitter) "Is there a fat one in there"
{Unknown} {Unknown} (found on twitter) "eggs"
{Unknown} Fateless "Unfortunely"
Burutsuki BULL "私は私の人生を 後悔している"
Tori {Unknown} "WHY ISN'T SHE AN AVIAN"
X {Unknown} "sign me up"
Yamitsuki R.E.M.S
Breeze others yamitsuki.png
"yet x2 another REM"
Itotsuki Fragile (OriYume (オリ夢)) "FRAGILE ________ PLEASE HANDLE WITH CARE"
Shi (識) A=Path (OriYume (オリ夢))
Breeze others shi.png
Shirane (しらね) Separation (別離)(OriYume (オリ夢))
Breeze others shirane.png
"Too many bun here"
